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Best of the Best Attorneys 2023 - Criminal Defense Law Firm
Expertise - Best DUI Lawyers in Seattle


Seattle Attorneys

Our Washington lawyers handle these areas of law:

At the Law Office of Jason S. Newcombe, our goal is to help clients deal with complex legal issues by aggressively defending their interests and protecting their legal rights. The best Seattle lawyers will tell you the same thing - every case is important because every client is unique. However, achieving the best possible outcome requires diligence, hard work, and an in-depth knowledge of Washington law.

With more than 50 years of collective experience, our team of professional litigators is uniquely qualified to help you find real solutions to your legal issues. In most cases, the people we represent have never been inside of a court, or had to retain an attorney. They are also concerned about the outcome and how long it will take.

When you retain one of our experienced Washington State lawyers, they will always be available to hear your questions and concerns. Most importantly, they will aggressively fight for your interests and work toward the best possible outcome.

If you or someone you love needs help handling any of these complex legal matters, contact one of our Seattle lawyers today for an initial case evaluation. This is an opportunity for you to obtain valuable legal information from a qualified attorney without risk or obligation. If you decide to retain a lawyer from our law firm in Seattle, you will have a team of dedicated legal professionals on your side.

We urge you to take time when considering your choice of Seattle attorney. Working with a lawyer in whom you trust will ultimately make it far easier to resolve your case. Our lawyers will sometimes tell you things that you may not want to hear, but it may be something you NEED to hear. Trust in your lawyer will help you be a better listener when these times come along, and the decisions you ultimately make will better serve your personal interests.

Sometimes your life takes an unexpected turn, requiring that you seek professional legal guidance from a qualified Seattle lawyer. Trust in your attorney is vital, because these important matters are often deeply personal in nature. But how can you find a Seattle attorney who will fight to protect your interests?

Seattle, Washington, the law, the courts, and you

seattle Finding a lawyer doesn't have to be a lengthy process, but it's vitally important that you work with an attorney who will fight relentlessly in pursuit of your goals. When you're faced with a situation that requires help from a Seattle lawyer, it's important that you understand how the law applies to your case. You must also be prepared for appearances in court, complex negotiations with other lawyers or prosecutors, and understand when you're getting a fair deal.

Seattle, Washington is the seat of King County, and is the largest city in Washington and the Pacific Northwest. Seattle is also one of the fastest growing cities in the country, with a strong economy and job opportunities with some of the biggest corporate names in North America.

If you would like information about opportunities in the Seattle area, be sure to check out the Chamber of Commerce website. Countless other resources are available online if you would like to know more about Seattle's history, culture, or the many opportunities for indoor and outdoor recreation.

If you live in Seattle, then you probably feel a sense of pride in your community. However, since you're on this page, you are probably facing some important personal matters that require professional assistance. Our King County lawyers can help you with matters involving divorce, bankruptcy, DUI, traffic tickets, and more serious criminal matters. Handling these situations, may require an appearance in court.

If you were issued a traffic ticket or involved in a minor crime, it's likely your case will be handled in the Seattle Municipal Court. More serious cases and matters of family law are heard in the King County District Court or King County Superior Court. Bankruptcy cases are heard in the United States Bankruptcy Court in the Western District of Washington.

Most people dealing with the machinery of the court system in Washington are eager to put the whole thing behind them and move on with their life. However, our attorneys urge clients to approach every legal matter with patience, make better decisions, and ensure that they are getting the best possible outcome. Our King County lawyers handle countless cases every year, but we are never in a hurry when it comes to representation. We urge you to approach your case with the same attitude.

Sometimes cases require artful negotiation, skillful litigation, or even a courtroom trial. We can't guarantee your case will move along quickly, but we can promise that we will do everything the law allows to get you the best deal possible. In other words, we will act as your personal advocate with the court in an effort to achieve your personal goals.

What follows is an in-depth look at each area of law practiced by our Seattle attorneys, and the laws that govern them. When you're ready to talk to a qualified attorney in King County about your situation and start getting answers, contact us for a free evaluation of your case. For now, scroll down to the section that applies to you, and find out more about Washington law.

Our attorneys are ready to help you take the next step, so contact our law office today.

Criminal Defense Seattle Criminal Lawyers

If you have been charged with a crime, our Seattle criminal lawyers will protect your legal rights.

We are aggressive criminal defense attorneys fighting to keep you out of jail!

Almost nothing in life compares to the trauma of being arrested and charged with a criminal offense. If you are visiting this page, it most likely means that you or a loved one either has or is about to be charged with a crime somewhere in King County. Our criminal attorneys have decades of combined legal experience handling all kinds of misdemeanor and felony offenses.

Our defense lawyers will fight to protect your legal rights and to keep you out of jail. If you've been charged with a crime in Seattle, you're facing repercussions that could affect your life in countless ways. Washington State’s criminal laws are complex, and the severity of various crimes can differ greatly. So, too, can the punishments associated with those crimes.

Any conviction may lead to jail or prison time, fines, probation, no contact orders, and a permanent criminal record that can make it hard just to find a job. Then there is the very-real stress and embarrassment involved with being arrested or incarcerated, and the damage it can do to your reputation, your family, and your future.

Our King County criminal defense lawyers can help you with cases involving drunk driving crimes that include DUI, physical control violations, reckless driving, hit and run, and negligent driving. We can also help you address issues involving harassment, domestic violence, and malicious mischief charges. You can also get help with serious criminal cases like drug possession, minor in possession, and marijuana DUI. Our Seattle criminal lawyers can also assist you with crimes of dishonesty like theft, fraud, burglary, and shoplifting.

If you've been charged with any crime in Seattle, you should contact one of our skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyers immediately. This is because every case involves unique facts, unique circumstances, and unique witnesses, as well other evidence that may be destroyed if it’s not properly preserved. The sooner that you get our lawyers between you and the State, the better we will be able to defend you, regardless of the criminal charges that you are facing.

The defense attorneys at the Law Office of Jason S. Newcombe are aggressive and fearless when it comes to defending our clients. Now is the time to meet this challenge head-on, and with our professional guidance, you can aggressively defend your legal rights. Here’s what most people do not fully understand. You have incredibly important state and federal statutory and constitutional rights. But, these legal rights and protections do not simply “self-activate” when you are arrested or are criminally charged. You must exercise them through competent counsel.

Regardless of the crime with which you are charged, our lawyers have the resources the experience to help you. Here are a few of the types of crimes that we our attorneys handle throughout King County, Washington.

Assault. We handle all assault matters. From misdemeanor Assault in the Fourth Degree charges in King County District Court and all local municipal courts, to felony Assault in the First Degree charges in King County Superior Court, our lawyers understand that a conviction for assault will have vast on ongoing repercussions. Over the decades, our Seattle criminal attorneys have handled hundreds of Assault cases throughout Washington State. Assault crimes are top priority for law enforcement and every local prosecutor’s office. Often, however, we find that the police reports contain inaccuracies. And, over the years, we have learned that almost every assault case has two sides. We’ll make sure that your side is told.

Drunk Driving Crimes. Our criminal defense attorneys have successfully challenged over 500 DUI and Driving Under the Influence related crimes. It’s no secret that DUI enforcement is at all-time high, not just in Seattle, but throughout King County and all of Washington State for that matter. One need only turn on the nightly news to see that it’s a major point of emphasis for law enforcement and for every prosecutor’s office throughout the Greater Puget Sound region. A good Seattle DUI attorney not only understand the drunk driving laws of Washington State, but also understands the interplay between our laws and the local prosecutors and judges responsible for handling your case.

In addition to alcohol-related DUI cases, our King County criminal lawyers also handle all Marijuana DUI cases, all Physical Control cases, and all Minor DUI cases. We also handle all Boating Under the Influence or “BUI” cases. DUI crimes have always been a major focus at the Law Offices of Jason S. Newcombe. And, you can rest assured that when you hire our firm to fight your drunk driving case, whatever the facts, you are retaining a firm that is going to fight for you, your legal rights and your future. We understand how a DUI charge impacts every aspect of your life, including your family, and employment. Get us between you and the State before you get run over twice.

Driving Crimes and Traffic Crimes. In addition to all DUI and drunk driving related offenses, our Seattle law offices also handle every other type of driving crime as well, whether they are charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. Over the decades, we have handled hundreds of Reckless Driving, Negligent Driving, Hit and Run, Racing, Driving While License Suspended (DWLS), and Attempting to Elude a Police Officer. We have also handled over 5,000 traffic tickets throughout Washington State. We know the laws of the road, and we will fight to keep you validly licensed to drive and out of jail.

Driving crimes are very serious criminal charges here in Seattle and throughout King County, and many can result in a mandatory license suspension or revocation. Other potential penalties include jail, steep fines, community service, and even aggressive driving classes. Also, if you are Washington State driving privileges are suspended or revoked due to a criminal driving conviction, you will be required to obtain and maintain an expensive SR-22 insurance policy to have your driving privileges reinstated. This is a high-risk policy that you will need to keep in place for three full years from the date that you are eligible reinstatement. The good news is that many driving crimes can be successfully challenged because of the criminal elements that the State is required to prove. Our Seattle and King County criminal defense attorneys can help.

Crimes of Dishonesty. Facing criminal charges involving allegations of dishonesty, such as theft, are a nightmare on so many levels that it’s hard to know where to start. Here’s the harsh reality though. If you are convicted of a crime involving allegations of dishonesty, you will have a very difficult time finding future employment. This is because nearly every employer is now doing a criminal background check as part of their hiring process. And, where do you think your resume will end up if a potential employers sees that you have been convicted of theft or fraud? That’s right. It will end up in the do not hire pile.

There are many types of crimes of dishonesty, and we handle them all. The most common type is simple theft or what is often referred to as stealing. This also includes shoplifting, which is typically referred to as retail theft. But, there are many other types of crimes involving dishonesty. In addition to theft or stealing, there’s Check Fraud, Credit Card Fraud, Identity Theft, Burglary, Vehicle Theft, and Possession of Stolen property. These criminal charges can result from many different factual scenarios, including negotiating bad checks, embezzling funds from your work, and using someone else's credit cards, just to name a few. Many white collar crimes also fall under this category.

Domestic Violence Crimes. What most people do not understand about domestic violence crimes is that many different kinds of criminal offenses can be charged under our domestic violence statute. Fortunately, our Seattle criminal defense attorneys have handled just about every possible type of domestic violence or “DV” crime. By far, the most common types of DV crimes are Assault, Harassment, Malicious Mischief, Violation of a No Contact Order/Protection Order or Restraining Order, Telephone Harassment, Stalking, and Interfering with Reporting Domestic Violence. And, of these, Assault is the most common type of DV charge.

But, it’s important to remember that it’s the relationship between you and the alleged victim that determines whether it’s a crime of domestic violence or not, and not the actual crime itself. Our Seattle criminal defense lawyers know the DV laws of Washington State, and we can help you understand how this complex criminal offense is defined. It’s also important to note that even certain types of misdemeanor DV convictions, such as for Assault, will result in your right to own a gun being forfeited or taken away from you.

Drug Crimes. Drug crimes typically fall into three broad categories: Possession, Manufacture, and Distribution. In general, Drug Possession crimes are much less serious than Drug Manufacturing or Drug Distribution crimes. But, that’s not always the case, a lot also depends on the quantities involved. More importantly, drug crimes in Washington State are almost always charged under what is typically referred to as our VUCSA laws. VUCSA stands for Violation of the Controlled Substances Act. And, in nearly every case, these are charged as a felony, even if it’s just a simple possession charge.

In certain cases, the King County District Attorney’s office will put felony possession charges on an “expedited process” calendar where the charge is only as an “attempted possession” misdemeanor, then they demand that you plead guilty immediately or risk having it charged as a felony. Our King County criminal defense attorneys understand the drug laws of Washington State, and we will fight to help get you the best possible outcome. Having a felony conviction on your record is a complete nightmare. In addition to serious future employment issues, felony convictions also carry a loss of many of your important rights, such as your right to own a gun and your right to vote.

Fish and Wildlife Crimes. We also handle all King County Fish and Wildlife crimes. Mr. Newcombe grew up in a hunting and fishing family and remains an avid outdoorsman. The simple truth is that our fish and wildlife laws can be confusing and even counter-intuitive. Mistakes often happen with absolutely no intention of violating our fish and wildlife laws. Wildlife officers are also among the most aggressive law enforcement officers in King County. In our experience, they often presume that everyone is guilty. Period, and regardless of what actually transpired.

Additionally, many wildlife crimes can be incredibly unforgiving in terms of their punishment, which can involve losing your hunting or fishing privileges for a significant amount of time. Fish and Wildlife crimes are also now a major point of emphasis throughout King County. If you have been accused of violating our wildlife laws, it’s imperative that you take it seriously and talk with an experienced criminal attorney as soon as possible. We can help.

Juvenile Crimes. Juvenile crimes are a unique animal within the law, and they are handled in a variety of different ways based on where they occur in King County. Over the decades, our lawyers have helped dozens of juveniles and their families navigate the treacherous waters of facing criminal allegations or charges. These crimes range from MIP (Minor in Possession of alcohol or marijuana), driving crimes such as Reckless Driving or Negligent Driving, property crimes such as theft, shoplifting, malicious mischief or criminal trespass, and host of other misdemeanor juvenile offenses.

Our goal in every juvenile case is to do everything legally possible to keep our client from having a permanent criminal conviction on their record. And, in most cases, we are able to succeed. We do this through a variety of means, and, again, a lot depends on the city where the alleged crime occurred and the court in which the case is filed.

But, there are a number of ways to creatively and successfully resolve criminal cases involving minors. If your child has been accused of criminal conduct, it’s absolutely imperative that you contact a skilled and knowledgeable Seattle criminal lawyer as soon as possible. And, I mean as soon as possible. We are often able to do more when we are brought into case shortly after the allegations arise.

The first and most important step on this painful journey is to retain an attorney you trust.

Whether you are willing to admit your guilt, or believe you are completely innocent of the charges against you, taking the first step and contacting a good criminal attorney is often difficult. Our Seattle defense lawyers urge you to contact our King County law firm as quickly as you can, especially if you’re charged with a serious crime. You will have to make some of the most important decisions in your life, and our attorneys can offer you counsel that will make this process far easier.

If you're confident in your innocence, you may believe that all that you have to do is explain the situation to a judge and they will dismiss your case. Our criminal justice system, however, isn't designed this way. In reality, the only way you can guarantee that your side of the story gets told is with help from experienced Seattle criminal lawyers who are well-versed in Washington criminal law.

Some people believe that pleading guilty to get the whole ordeal over with is a good idea, but this can and often does backfire in many ways. Before speaking with law enforcement or any authorities about your alleged crime, we urge you seek out professional advice from one of our Seattle criminal defense lawyers, so that we can help you protect your legal rights. Our Seattle lawyers offer a free initial consultation, so you have nothing to lose by contacting our criminal law firm today.

Criminal Cases: King County Municipal Courts

From our Seattle criminal defense offices, we handle every type of criminal case heard in every King County municipal court. If your case is filed in any municipal court throughout King County, then are you being charged with one or more misdemeanors. Most Municipal Courts in King County have web sites that discuss their basic criminal procedures, as well as how criminal cases are handled and processed once charges are filed. We appear in every King County municipal court and handle all criminal misdemeanor matters and all speeding and traffic infractions.

The most common types of criminal offenses that we handle in King County municipal courts, are DUI (Drunk Driving), Physical Control, Minor DUI, Marijuana DUI, MIP (Minor In Possession), Assault, Theft, Harassment, Reckless Driving, Negligent Driving, Hit and Run (Both Hit and Run Attended and Hit and Run Unattended), All Domestic Violence Crimes, Violation of No Contact Orders (Protection Order Violations), Criminal Trespass, Shoplifting (Retail Theft), DWLS (Driving While License Suspended), Patronizing a Prostitute (Solicitation of a Prostitute), Juvenile Law, Fish and Wildlife Crimes and Violations, Obstructing a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, and all other misdemeanor crimes.

If you are looking for information about the King County and the Washington State courts, you can learn more by checking out this link and downloading the PDF located there: A Guide to Washington Courts.

DUI – Drunk Driving Seattle DUI Lawyers

You’ve been arrested, are about to lose your driver’s license and are facing a potential Seattle DUI conviction. What's next?

Being arrested for a Washington State drunk driving crime is more than just embarrassing, it can cause your entire life to be turned upside down. Most people arrested for a DUI in Seattle have never had a run-in with the law, or even know what the inside of a Washington courtroom looks like. Most Washington residents charged with a drunk driving crime are people just like you, who suddenly find themselves unprepared for the devastating effects of a Seattle DUI arrest.

Have you recently been pulled over, arrested and charged with a Seattle DUI? If so, our criminal attorneys understand the emotional turmoil and the psychological dread that you're feeling right now. Our team of professional lawyers have handled hundreds of Seattle and King County DUI cases over the last couple of decades - cases probably very similar yours.

When we recognize that familiar fear of the future in the eyes of our DUI clients, we like to remind them that they are not criminals. For many, an error in judgment was made on the night of their arrest, and still others say that they were arrested for a DUI without cause. Our criminal defense lawyers have successfully handled over 500 DUI charges throughout the Greater Puget Sound Region.

Our Seattle DUI defense law firm handles all types of DUI cases including Minor DUI, racing, reckless driving, negligent driving, marijuana DUI, and physical control violations. Whether your case involves alcohol, is a Marijuana DUI, or is a Minor DUI involving drugs or alcohol, our criminal lawyers have the resources the courtroom experience to successfully fight your case and minimize the consequences.

Every Washington State DUI arrest and drunk driving criminal charge can be collaterally attacked in some way.

We firmly believe that every Washington State drunk driving charge can be attacked and defended in some way. Our Seattle DUI lawyers have yet to see a perfect set of driving under the influence police reports. This is because they DO NOT exist. They do not exist because every DUI or drunk driving arrest in Washington State involves many subjective assumptions by the arresting officer.

We will prepare your defense by first listening to your version of the events. From there, the primary goal is to protect your legal rights. Your Seattle or King County DUI arrest is undoubtedly causing you a lot of anxiety and grief, and attempting to represent yourself will likely lead to more unwanted stress, not to mention an undesirable outcome.

Why? Because efforts at self-representation in DUI cases are almost always unsuccessful. Our Seattle DUI defense attorneys will protect your interests throughout this process while removing the hassle of dealing with the court. Our criminal lawyers will be with you and by your side through every step of the process.

If your car breaks down, you call a professional Seattle mechanic to fix it. So, if you're facing the prospect of a criminal conviction, it makes sense to hire a professional Seattle legal professional because your future will be dramatically effected by the end result. Dealing with the court requires a qualified legal professional with real-world experience and a detailed understanding of Washington DUI law. Our Seattle DUI lawyers are professional litigators who will aggressively fight to resolve your case. We will deal with the prosecutor and the Washington Court system so that you don't have the burden and the stress of doing so yourself.

Contact our Seattle criminal defense and DUI attorneys to get help building your defense and protecting your legal rights.

Being arrested for a drunk driving crime in Washington State will leave you full of anxiety and with more questions than answers. What do I need to do to get this over with? How will my life be affected? Who can I turn to for reliable answers and advice?

What you need right now are answers - real answers from a qualified Seattle DUI lawyer that truly understands the law and who cares about you and the outcome of your case. Our legal team is ready to help you with your defense so that you can move forward with your life and put this whole ordeal in the past.

If you feel like there was no legal merit to your DUI arrest then you are probably eager to convey your side of the story. Our King County DUI lawyers will make sure that you have the opportunity to offer your own version of the events and that your legal rights are being constantly acknowledged and protected.

Our team of experienced Seattle DUI attorneys enter into every WA State drunk driving case believing the charges can be attacked to some degree. Of course, much depends on the details contained within the police arrest reports and the circumstances leading up to your arrest. But, the best DUI defense starts as soon after your arrest as possible.

Divorce Seattle Divorce Lawyers

Experienced and aggressive Seattle divorce and family law attorneys fighting to protect the legal rights and interests of you and your children.

If you're looking for a trustworthy Seattle divorce lawyer who will compassionately help you through this difficult time in your life, we invite you to contact our King County family law offices for an initial consultation. Over the decades, the divorce attorneys at Law Office of Jason S. Newcombe have helped hundreds of Seattle and King County residents successfully resolve their family law case.

With over three decades of combined experience in the local Seattle and King County family law courts, our divorce attorneys understand how vital reliable legal advice is to skillfully and successfully resolving a case. Our Seattle divorce attorneys will work hard to develop a relationship with you that is based on trust and results. So, while your lawyer won't guarantee that they will always tell you what you want to hear, they will tell you what you need to hear.

Our King County family law lawyers will help you handle sensitive issues like property division, alimony, and child support. You can also get assistance with issues involving child relocation, restraining orders, situations involving large assets, and protection orders. You can also speck to one of our Seattle divorce lawyers if you have questions about legal separation, same sex divorce, and contempt motions.

If we're forced to take your divorce case to into court or even to trial, our Seattle attorneys will aggressively fight for you and your children's interests. Keep in mind that we urge our Seattle divorce clients to keep the lines of communication open with their former partner, because this is usually the best and least stressful way to resolve a case and minimize arguments, especially if there are children involved. Keeping a cool head is difficult for many people, but it often leads to a more favorable end result, which is always the ultimate goal of our divorce lawyers.

Contact our Seattle divorce attorneys to defense your interests.

The emotional upheaval of a divorce can be devastating, and this is especially true for children because their entire life is suddenly thrown into chaos. Everyone involved in a Seattle divorce faces uncertainties regarding their future, and parents must deal with issues regarding spousal support, child custody, and property division, among others.

If you're considering a divorce, it is important for you to find an attorney that you can trust with some of the most personal details of your life. Our Seattle lawyers understand exactly what is at stake in your divorce, everything! Your life and the life of your children is what you are hiring us to protect. And, we will do everything legally possible to protect you and your family.

The qualified and experienced Seattle divorce lawyers at the Law Office of Jason S. Newcombe will help as you face the life altering and serious issues that accompany every divorce, offering you skilled and reliable counsel when you need it most. Every divorce is a draining experience, emotionally and psychologically. During these rocky and turbulent times, you need a steady and dedicated hand at the wheel.

Our Washington State divorce attorneys offer dedication, experience, and compassion, because we know what is at stake. We successfully resolve numerous divorce cases in Seattle every year. We believe that nobody understands your children's needs better than you, so our Seattle divorce lawyers will help you clearly define those needs and then vigorously pursue them during divorce negotiations.

Right now, your future may seem filled with doubts, but the law offers a series of guideposts intended to help lead you through the divorce process. If you have questions about the law that you would like answered before retaining a Washington State divorce lawyer, you can talk to one of our experienced Seattle divorce attorneys by scheduling an initial consultation. Get reliable legal information regarding your divorce, so that you can make decisions based on facts, as outlined in Washington State family law.

When you speak with one of our Seattle divorce lawyers, we will cover whatever topics apply to your specific family law case, including any of the following:

  • Child support
  • Child custody (Including developing a parenting plan that is truly in your child’s best interests)
  • Spousal maintenance, or alimony
  • Temporary support
  • Contempt motions to enforce current orders
  • Military divorce (Including child support, spousal support, and dividing pensions)
  • Property division
  • Modifying child support
  • Modifying child custody
  • Modifying spousal maintenance
  • Uncontested divorce
  • Business valuation and division
  • Dividing retirement plans or pensions
  • Child relocation (Moving or relocating to a new area or state with your children)

Your divorce case warrants personalized care and compassionate attention to detail. Our Washington State divorce attorneys will provide you with the focus and the hard work that your situation deserves. It's natural to be filled with uncertainty as the divorce process unfolds, but if you work with a lawyer who you can fully and truly trust, then you can have faith in your decision-making process.

Our goal is to arm you with the resources and the knowledge that you need in order to make a truly informed and intelligent decision about your future and the future of your children. Your choice of Seattle divorce lawyer couldn't be more important, so we urge you to take your time and find one that is right for you.

Our family law attorneys will help you understand how Washington State divorce law applies to your particular situation as we thoroughly investigate the details of your case. You and your children will get the care and the attention that you both deserve, while your lawyer aggressively fights to achieve the best possible outcome.

Start now by getting help, information, and answers regarding your Seattle divorce or family law matter today.

Are you eager to talk to one of our experienced Seattle divorce attorneys about your situation? Schedule a private consultation with one of our divorce lawyers in Seattle today, and get the information you need to take the first step toward successfully resolving your divorce proceedings.

There is nothing preventing you from getting all the information you need to protect yourself and your children's interests, so contact our Seattle law office today and speak with an experienced Washington State divorce attorney who will protect your rights.

Unlike a lot of Seattle divorce firms, we are the opposite of high pressure firm when it comes to your initial consultation. We let the resources, the experience, and the results of our law firm speak for themselves. And, we encourage prospective clients to meet with as many attorneys as they need to until they feel comfortable that they have found one that is a good fit for them personally and who will actually fight for them, whether through forceful negotiations, in mediation, or in court.

Need help understanding Washington State divorce and family law? Get answers from a qualified and experienced family law attorney.

The plain and simple reality of Washington divorce and family law is that it’s very complicated. It may seem simple or straight forward on the surface. But, it’s not. And, there are many misconceptions when it comes to pursuing a King County divorce. A good Seattle divorce attorney not only understands Washington State’s divorce laws, they are also intimately familiar with our King County divorce and family law local rules.

Understanding Washington family law is obviously of the utmost importance when dealing with situations that involve child custody, child support, spousal maintenance, visitation (parenting plans), dividing property and assets, and many other divorce-related issues. The court’s decisions are likely going to have a large impact on your life and the lives of your children, so it’s important to make sure everyone’s interests are protected from the very beginning of your case.

Unfortunately, going through a Seattle divorce or post-divorce family law matter is difficult for everyone involved, and the emotional strain can cause even best of people to lose sight of their goals and what is most important. This is where our Seattle divorce and family law attorneys really shine. In many ways, the role of your Washington family law lawyer is to hold you on task while keeping you informed about how the law applies to a given situation. When you work with a lawyer from our Seattle divorce and family law offices, their primary focus is to help you achieve your goals while fighting to protect your legal interests and ensuring that you are not run over by the system.

Believe me, our Seattle divorce attorneys understand, this process can be difficult at times, if not downright brutal. Family law negotiations are sometimes emotionally charged, which can get in the way of fruitful negotiations with an ex-spouse and their attorney. Washington State divorce law is also ambiguous by its very nature.

This is actually done intentionally so that Washington State divorce and family law commissioners and judges have a great deal of latitude when rendering decisions. In many respects, this underscores how important it is to maintain an air of civility throughout negotiations, as it will ultimately be more productive for you to determine what is best for your family instead of a Washington judge who actually knows nothing about the needs of you and your children.

Still, in situations where negotiations fail, our attorneys will fight to ensure that you are treated fairly, according to the law, even if going to court is necessary. We begin every case by encouraging our Seattle divorce clients to keep an open mind. Most divorce and family law matters are successfully resolved by knowing your spouse’s case better than their lawyer and by pragmatic negotiations. In some cases, however, a negotiated resolution is simply impossible. In which case, our Seattle divorce attorneys will not hesitate to get your case into court and in front of a judge.

Our lawyers are here to help. Talk to a Seattle family law attorney today about the details of your situation.

Our Seattle-based law firm takes a unique approach to family law cases because we work as a team while representing our clients, no matter what issue needs to be addressed. This gives you the benefit of decades and decades of combined experience in the family law arena. You can start down the path toward resolving your issues today by contacting a lawyer from our Seattle divorce and family law offices for an initial case evaluation.

One of our Seattle divorce lawyers will answer your questions, and provide you with answers based on your particular situation – information you can use to decide how you would like to proceed. If you choose to retain one of our Seattle attorneys, they will immediately begin the process of working with you to define your goals, and be at your side throughout the process of fighting for a bright future for you and your family.

Bankruptcy Seattle bankruptcy lawyers

Overwhelmed by debts and harassing creditor calls? Is filing for bankruptcy the right move for you and your family?

Let our Seattle bankruptcy attorneys help you understand your debt relief options.

Are you struggling just to cover the basics every month? Do you keep coming up short no matter how hard you work or how hard you try to keep your bills paid? You’re not alone. Many people are struggling with credit card bills, medical bills, lawsuits, home foreclosure, repossession of their property, and countless other debt issues, especially in today’s economy.

The good news, however, is that legal help and financial relief is available. Your creditors and the people to whom you money would have you believe that even considering bankruptcy or seeking information about your debt relief options indicates that you are somehow a bad person or a complete failure in life. Our debt relief lawyers want you to understand that this is complete hogwash. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

In truth, the United States Bankruptcy Code was enacted to specifically help good, honest, and hardworking people who suddenly find themselves struggling just to keep a roof over their head, keep food on their table, and meet their other basic necessities. Many of our Seattle bankruptcy clients find themselves in financial distress through no fault of their own. If you are drowning in debt, contact us today and find out if Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is right for you.

Over the years, our King County bankruptcy attorneys have literally helped thousands of good people qualify for and successfully file bankruptcy petitions. If you are able to financially qualify, filing for bankruptcy in Washington State is your legal right. Our bankruptcy lawyers want you to understand that bankruptcy does not equate to failing in life financially. In fact, just the opposite is true. Filing for bankruptcy is your chance to hit the financial reset button and get the fresh start that you deserve.

Bankruptcy is VERY powerful financial tool. It can help you accomplish many things that may be crippling your monthly cash flow. Our Seattle bankruptcy lawyers will help you to understand how bankruptcy can help you accomplish all of the following:

  1. Stop your King County home from being foreclosed upon and sold at auction.
  2. Stop all harassing creditor calls immediately.
  3. Wipe out credit card bills.
  4. Wipe out medical bills.
  5. Wipe out Payday, Moneytree, and other predatory short-term “loans”.
  6. Stop repossession actions.
  7. Stop all lawsuits dead in their tracks.
  8. Wipe out prior legal judgments and liens.
  9. Wipe out utility bills and other unsecured loans.
  10. Get the financial relief and peace of mind you deserve.

Talk to one of our King County bankruptcy attorneys today to learn about your legal rights and debt relief options.

Bankruptcy is NOT a failure. It’s a fresh financial start.

Let us help you hit the financial reset now!

For most of our clients, pursuing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is their best option, so long as they can qualify. Our Seattle Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys will help you determine if you can qualify for the easiest and quickest bankruptcy protection and relief. As with the Federal Bankruptcy Code, Washington State’s bankruptcy laws are here to protect you. Most Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases are over in less than four months from the time that your fees are paid in full.

If you have questions about your Chapter 7 bankruptcy legal rights and whether or not you can qualify, you owe it to yourself to consult with one of our experienced Seattle debt relief lawyers. We offer a free, no obligation consultation. At least then, you can make a truly informed decision. Our Seattle Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys want you to understand that you have options, and we’re here to help.

Many people wrongfully believe and think that they will lose everything if they file bankruptcy. In truth, however, our bankruptcy laws contain many “exemptions” for personal property. The Federal bankruptcy laws and Washington State’s bankruptcy laws understand that you still need to be able to get up and start again once you file for bankruptcy. If you lost everything you own, you would still be in a financially devastating position after discharging your debts in bankruptcy.

You are much more likely to lose everything if you are in over your head and you ignore it. Other options exist but they may and typically do offer only a temporary solution, or they completely fail to allow you to plan for a reasonably stable future. For instance, cashing out a retirement plan could put a huge burden on you and your family in the future. The good news is that under our bankruptcy laws, almost all retirement plans are 100% protected from your creditors in bankruptcy.

Paying off debt with a home equity loan simply kicks the can down the road. More importantly, under Washington State’s bankruptcy laws, your home’s equity can be protected up to $125,000 in bankruptcy. Also, the simple reality of most credit card consolidation plans is that they end up hurting more than helping.

In the end, credit card consolidation plans hurt your credit rating as much as and often more than a bankruptcy. And, they almost always fail to live up to the aggressive marketing promises that these so called “consumer credit counseling” businesses blast through every media channel. In truth, these credit counseling plans often do more damage because your creditors write off large balances that remain on your credit report as ”charge offs” for years. This drags your credit down for many years, even after you have completed your payments, whereas filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy wipes everything out cleanly and lets you start rebuilding your credit immediately.

Another benefit to filing for bankruptcy is that it immediately stops all creditor harassment. Once you file you bankruptcy petition, all debt collection is immediately frozen. This is because the bankruptcy court automatically enters an order staying all attempts to collect a debt. For this reason, it is called the “automatic stay.” Nasty phone calls, evictions, law suits, garnishments, utility cut offs, foreclosures and repossessions are stopped cold.

How do I know which type of bankruptcy is right for me?

There are two kinds of bankruptcy for most consumers – a Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 repayment plan. As discussed above, if you can qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief, this is usually your best option. But, if you need to save your home from foreclosure, or if you simply make too much to qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy here in Washington State under the income “means test”, then a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be your best option.

Regardless, either type of bankruptcy case begins by filing a petition and related documents with the bankruptcy court. These documents include a list of your property, a list of your creditors, a budget and statements of your income – for the past few years, a prediction for your income in the immediate future, and a “means test” showing only the past few months. Be prepared to collect this information for your Seattle bankruptcy attorney because disclosing it is mandatory.

After filing your bankruptcy petition, a trustee is appointed to administer your case. A Chapter 7 trustee is appointed to investigate whether there are any assets to pay your creditors with at the time you file your petition for bankruptcy protection. A Chapter 13 trustee first reviews the viability of your payment plan given your income and your expenses. If your plan is approved, the trustee then receives monthly payments from you and divides them up among your creditors.

In either chapter, you must appear in Federal Bankruptcy Court and meet with the trustee about a month or so after you file your bankruptcy petition. This hearing is called a “meeting of creditors”, though usually only you, your bankruptcy attorney, and the trustee appear. If legal issues arise a result of your filing, bankruptcy judges make the final decisions in your case, but most cases do not require hearings before a bankruptcy judge.

At the end of your case you receive a discharge. A discharge is an injunction that prohibits creditors from ever collecting from you again. It essentially wipes out debt forever. Some debts, however, are not discharged under the federal and Washington State bankruptcy laws. The primary examples of non-dischargeable debts are student loans, some back taxes, court fines, and domestic support obligations like child support and alimony.

If you have questions about whether or not some of your debts can be discharged under our bankruptcy laws, we encourage you to take advantage of our free bankruptcy consultation. One of our Seattle bankruptcy attorneys will be happy to discuss the specifics of your financial situation with you one on one. At this point, you will at least be in a position to determine which debt relief options are best for you and your family.

How does bankruptcy work?

Other than giving debtors a fresh start, the purpose of bankruptcy is to allow creditors to share payments in an orderly, fair way. In most Chapter 7 cases, creditors do not receive anything. If they do, it is because property is sold or “liquidated” to pay them a pro rated share of your overall debt. Most Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases do not result in a distribution to creditors because our Seattle bankruptcy lawyers are able to classify or categorize the debtor’s property in a way so that is exempt from the liquidation under the Bankruptcy Code.

This is perfectly legal and an appropriate way to protect property under the Federal and Washington State bankruptcy laws. Most people filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection and relief have no significant assets. Their personal property and retirement accounts are almost always properly classified by an experienced bankruptcy attorney under one of the many exemption categories. Part of your financial fresh start is to allow you to keep the property necessary to continue your life in a reasonably stable and dignified way.

Anyone can qualify for bankruptcy if they meet certain financial thresholds. The critical question is what kind of bankruptcy can you file based on your income and assets? A good Seattle bankruptcy lawyer knows how to maximize your protection and relief under the Bankruptcy Code. This involves having a detailed and thorough understanding of the exemptions under the bankruptcy laws. A good bankruptcy attorney also knows what is fair and reasonable when it comes to discussing and listing your actual monthly expenses.

A good Seattle bankruptcy lawyer also knows how to properly analyze the finances, the expenses, and the personal income for small business owners who suddenly find themselves facing financial distress and chaos. Our debt relief lawyers have helped hundreds of small business owners successfully complete the bankruptcy process and get the fresh financial start they are entitled to under the Bankruptcy Code. If you have questions about whether or not you can qualify for bankruptcy protection, we invite you to call our Seattle debt relief and bankruptcy offices for a free, no obligation initial consultation.

How often can you file for bankruptcy in Washington State?

There are limits in regards to how many bankruptcies you can file within a certain period of time. You can only file one Chapter 7 bankruptcy every eight years. And, you cannot file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy until four years have passed since a previous Chapter 7 filing. These limits do not apply if you did not complete the first bankruptcy all the way to discharge. You also have to take a credit counseling class before you file bankruptcy. This class is an easy two-hour class that can be completed on line. Our bankruptcy attorneys work with several providers of these classes, and we can refer you to one that is accepted by the United States Trustee assigned to your case.

If you have previously filed for bankruptcy protection and relief, and you have questions about your legal rights and your ability to file again, we encourage you to give us a call and speak with one of our King County bankruptcy lawyers. Our King County and Seattle bankruptcy lawyers want you to understand your legal rights and options when it comes to debt relief.

There are income limitations to filing a Chapter 7 case. If you make over the median income, you must submit to a means test to show you are not abusing the bankruptcy system. The means test only looks at the six months of income prior to filing your case. Your income is then compared against median income figures here in Washington State. The median income figures in Washington State change periodically. But, our Seattle bankruptcy lawyers continually stay apprised of these figures, and we can help you determine if you can qualify.

You do not have to fill out the means test if your income is below Washington State median income level determined appropriate for qualification purposes for a family of your size. If it is above this amount, the means test deducts monthly expenses to see if you have any disposable income left in your budget to pay unsecured creditors. Some expenses are your actual expenses, such as secured debt payments like mortgages or car loans, health insurance, day care, and taxes. If your income appears to be too high, the bankruptcy attorney handling your initial consultation will run a means test to help you determine whether or not you can still qualify to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Some expenses are set by IRS tax repayment regulations and laws. These include expenses for things such as food, clothes, rent and miscellaneous expenses. If you have income left over in the Chapter 7 means test, your case can be dismissed for abuse of the bankruptcy system. In most cases, however, you are given the opportunity to convert your case over to a Chapter 13 bankruptcy as well. You can also attempt to rebut the presumption that you are abusing the bankruptcy system by claiming special circumstances such as a sudden drop income, unique necessary expenses, or the addition of a household member.

Over the last ten years, our Seattle bankruptcy attorneys have helped hundreds of people qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy even though their income was above the stated levels.

What if I cannot qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection?

If you cannot qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection, you will probably have to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition and then make monthly payments to the trustee. Fortunately, Chapter 13 is easier to qualify for than a Chapter 7. You must, however, be able to make the monthly payments to qualify for and stay in a Chapter 13.

There are debt limits to a Chapter 13 bankruptcy as well. These debt limits increase from time to time but they are approximately one million dollars of secured debt or $300,000 of unsecured debt. If you cannot file a Chapter 7 and your debt load is more than the debt limits for a Chapter 13, you must file a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which is typically reserved for businesses.

In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, if creditors receive anything, it is from the sale of the debtor’s property by a bankruptcy trustee. As noted above, most people who file a Chapter 7 do not have to sell any of their property. Our bankruptcy attorneys can help you determine if you have any assets or property that might be at risk if you can qualify for a Chapter 7 relief.

As with a Chapter 7, the Chapter 13 bankruptcy laws also allow exemptions that protect property so the debtor can have an effective fresh start after the case is over. Retirement accounts are still protected by exemptions in a Chapter 13. Most people also do not lose their homes, cars, or any personal property because they are rarely sold to pay creditors. But, you must be able to continue to make your monthly payments on any unsecured debts, such as vehicles or your home.

How can I keep my home or stop a foreclosure in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy?

Can I keep my home in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, debtors make monthly payments to a trustee who divides those payments up to creditors according to a plan that lasts three to five years. The means test, along with future income and expenses, determine how much the creditors get paid. Some people may want to file a Chapter 13 for the added benefits that come from being in a Chapter 13 plan, such as the ability to pay back mortgage payments or to consolidate tax debt, car loans or other difficult debt in one monthly payment.

This is how a Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you save your home from foreclosure. Our King County bankruptcy attorneys will explain this in more detail during your initial consultation. But, essentially, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a like a repayment plan. And, all of your secured creditors get paid first with the monthly payments that you make to the trustee. So, if you are behind on your mortgage, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy essentially allows you to get it fully caught up in your plan because your secured creditors all get paid first before any unsecured creditors.

To keep you house or a car in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you have to continue making payments to the creditor. This is often tough. But, it can be done because all of your unsecured debts are wiped out by your bankruptcy discharge, which typically comes about three months of your initial bankruptcy petition is filed. Because Chapter 7 is an easy form of bankruptcy where creditors usually do not receive any money, it is reserved for people with lower incomes. As also discussed above, to prove that they are not abusing the bankruptcy process, people filing Chapter 7 must submit to a means test.

But, the means test only looks back six months to measure the debtor’s household income. If the debtor’s past six months of income is greater than the median income for their household size, they must submit to a means test which deducts legally defined monthly expenses to determine whether there is any money left to pay creditors. If there is money left in the means test, the case may be dismissed or converted to a Chapter 13. Our Seattle bankruptcy lawyers and skilled and experienced in walking clients through the means test. If there is a way for your legally qualify under it, our bankruptcy attorneys will find it.

In both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases, the debtor will probably only have to attend one hearing, which is called a meeting of creditors. This hearing is held with the trustee who takes testimony under oath to verify that the information in the bankruptcy case is truthful, honest and complete. Creditors usually don’t attend this hearing. Debtor’s attorneys are present at the hearing to help the debtor through the process. Though trustees have a lot of influence in the bankruptcy court, all the final decisions are made by bankruptcy judges.

How long will my bankruptcy stay on my credit report?

Bankruptcy will stay on a credit report for seven to ten years. That does not mean it is impossible to get a loan for that long, but the bankruptcy filing will be one piece of information lenders use in the future. Many people find their credit score actually goes up after discharge because so much bad debt is eliminated in the process. People who file bankruptcy are usually drowning in debt and cannot dig themselves out of it in a reasonable time frame.

And, rather than have their credit score continue to languish with late payments, bankruptcy is typically the best option. And, it is generally expected that, in both short and the long run, bankruptcy only helps their credit score. Of course, a lot has to do with how the person filing for bankruptcy manages their finances after filing for bankruptcy. And, as you might imagine, responsible use of credit obtained after filing for bankruptcy is huge!

If you are panicking about your debt load and cannot see how you can possibly solve your financial problems, giving us a call can help you put your mind at ease right away. Our Washington State bankruptcy attorneys are knowledgeable and available to give you a brief idea of your rights in bankruptcy. We can set a free consultation for you at our Seattle bankruptcy offices.

At your free debt relief consultation, we can give you a complete idea of how much your bankruptcy will cost, what chapter you need to file, and how it will most likely play out. Most people feel a tremendous sense of relief once they know how bankruptcy can help. Over the last decade alone, our Seattle bankruptcy attorneys have helped thousands of good people qualify for bankruptcy.

Can your bankruptcy lawyers help me quickly if I am being garnished?

Even if you are being garnished, it is not too late to contact us. You do not have to actually be behind on any payments either. There is no harm in giving us a call to see how bankruptcy may help you. Our King County bankruptcy lawyers have years of experience helping people just like you. We treat all our clients with understanding, compassion and dignity. Our fees are competitive and once you call, you will see that our years of bankruptcy and debt relief practice have given us experience with nearly every issue a bankruptcy case can throw at us. We realize that you may have other options, and if we feel like a path other than bankruptcy is more appropriate, we will be honest with you and let you know.

If you do decide to explore bankruptcy, you will learn how bankruptcy can stop bill collectors dead in their tracks. Most likely, you will also learn that most, if not all, of your property is protected in a bankruptcy. We can also let you know about how we can help with repossessions or the foreclosure process and how a bankruptcy can stop these and save your house from both home foreclosure, as well as a trustee sale.

You can finally see light at the end of the tunnel and how you will be able to get your cash flow back on track again. Unless you are on the borderline of qualifying for Chapter 7 and we are required to perform a more in-depth means test analysis than your initial consultation allows, you will also learn what kind of bankruptcy you can file and what that particular chapter can do for you.

Our Seattle bankruptcy attorneys and Washington State debt relief lawyers are here to help you under your rights under the Bankruptcy Code. Many of our clients are relieved to learn that bankruptcy truly is kind of a like a miracle. It’s a very powerful financial tool that enables those who can qualify to get the relief and the fresh start that the law allows.

Traffic Tickets Seattle traffic ticket lawyers

Let’s face it. I don’t care who are, getting a Seattle speeding ticket or a Seattle traffic ticket pretty much always sucks. It simply ruins your whole day. As the ticketing officer leaves and drives away, you typically are frustrated and angry. Many of our Seattle traffic clients often feel as though the ticket was unfairly or improperly issued. Many feel that public safety is no longer the primary motivation behind enforcement of the City of Seattle traffic code. Instead, it’s all about money. Our Seattle traffic attorneys understand.

The good news, however, is that you very important legal rights when it comes to challenging traffic tickets in King County and throughout Washington State. In most Seattle traffic cases, the officer will not appear at your contested hearing unless you specifically subpoena him or her. Instead, Washington has a special statutory exemption that enables them to “testify” at your traffic hearing if they properly swear out a declaration and include it with their report.

Our Seattle traffic ticket offices have handled thousands of King County infractions over the last decade alone. We know the local courts, how the prosecutors in these courts typically handle the most common types of infractions, and we also know the judges that will most likely be responsible for hearing your case. We handle all City of Seattle Municipal court traffic tickets, as well as all King County District Court traffic tickets.

We also handle tickets in every other Municipal Court throughout King County. If you have been issued a speeding ticket or traffic ticket by Washington State patrol or the King County Sheriff’s office, you will be ordered to appear in King County District Court to contest your infraction. If you have been pulled over a City of Seattle officer, you will be ordered to appear in Seattle Municipal Court to contest your ticket.

The same is true in any other city in King County. For example, if you are issued a ticket by a City of Federal Way officer, you will be required to appear in Federal Way Municipal Court. We handle all City of Seattle traffic tickets and infractions, as well as all speeding tickets. We all handle all traffic tickets in every municipal court throughout King County.

Traffic Tickets: Washington State Municipal Courts

Most Municipal Courts in King County have web sites that discuss their traffic ticket procedures. We appear in every King County municipal court and handle all criminal misdemeanor matters and all speeding and traffic infractions.

A good Seattle traffic lawyer is not only well versed in the driving laws of Washington State, they also understand how the court system works here in King County. This entails understanding the mentality of the prosecutors who handle traffic cases, as well as knowing how the judge presiding over your case is likely to rule on various evidentiary issues. Our lawyers regularly appear in every District Court and Municipal Court throughout King County.

We know the traffic laws of this state. We know how each prosecutor’s office views and handles infractions. And, our infraction attorneys are familiar with the judges who will be responsible for determining the outcome of your ticket if your case proceeds to a contested hearing.

Our Seattle ticket attorneys are aggressive advocates who will fight to get your ticket dismissed or reduced to a non-moving violation so that it does not impact your driving record, or, more importantly, your insurance rates. Over the last ten years, our traffic lawyers have appeared in EVERY court in King County. We will do everything legally possible to get your traffic infraction dismissed.

We handle every type of speeding ticket, accident ticket, and traffic violation case. We also handle all Washington State criminal driving matters.

We handle all of the following types of traffic tickets and criminal driving matters. These are often referred to as Moving Violations”, and these are the ones that hurt your driving record and your insurance rates. Under Washington State law, a moving violation is defined under the Washington Administrative Code.

WAC 308-104-160

Moving and nonmoving violations defined.

Under Washington State law, all of the following are considered and statutorily defined as “moving violations”.

  1. Negligent driving in the second degree. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.525 or RCW 46.61.526;
  2. Speeding ticket, the most common type of traffic infraction under Washington State law. Speed in excess of maximum limit is basically just traveling over the posted speed limit on any given stretch of highway or roadway. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.400 or RCW 46.61.460;
  3. Speed too fast for conditions. Speeding or traveling too fast for the conditions of the roadway given the weather, the time of day, and other factors. You can be cited for this infraction even though you are going the speed limit, or even under it, if the road conditions are bad enough. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infractions, click here: RCW 46.61.400;
  4. School zone speeding tickets. Speeding in a school zone requires that the area be properly marked, with lights flashing, and that school is in session. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.61.440;
  5. Following too closely. Following to close tickets are often issued at rear-end accident scenes, even when there’s no evidence that the person was actually following the vehicle in front too closely. It’s infuriating, but true. If law enforcement comes out to a rear-end accident, they seem to believe that someone has to get ticketed for following too closely. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.61.145;
  6. HOV or Carpool Lane traffic tickets. High occupancy vehicle lane violations occur where you are traveling in a clearly marked HOV or carpool lane without the requisite number of passengers. Note: This violation has become a lot more complicated in recent years with the addition of HOV toll lanes and some HOV lanes being open to single use traffic at various times. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.61.165;
  7. Failure to obey road signs. Disobeying road sign or traffic control device. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.050, RCW 46.61.070, or RCW 46.61.450;
  8. Failure to obey instructions or directions from a police officer or firefighter. Disobey signalman, officer, or firefighter. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.015, RCW 46.61.020, RCW 46.61.021, or RCW 46.61.022;
  9. Commercial drivers using a cell phone while driving. Using a hand-held mobile telephone while driving a commercial motor vehicle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.667 (1)(b); and
  10. Commercial drivers texting while driving. Texting while driving a commercial motor vehicle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.61.668 (1)(b).
  11. Failure to stop when required (for red lights, stop signs, train crossings, and other marked designations ). Failure to stop. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: All citations are to the Revised Code of Washington (RCW): 46.61.055, 46.61.065, 46.61.195, 46.61.200, 46.61.340, 46.61.345, 46.61.350, 46.61.365, 46.61.370, or 46.61.375;
  12. Failing to yield the right of way when required by signs, by traffic laws, at intersections, and when otherwise required. Failure to yield right of way. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: All citations are to the Revised Code of Washington (RCW): 46.61.180, 46.61.183, 46.61.185, 46.61.190, 46.61.202, 46.61.205, 46.61.210, 46.61.212, 46.61.215, 46.61.220, 46.61.235, 46.61.245, 46.61.261, 46.61.300, or 46.61.427;
  13. Failure to keep to the right. Not staying on the right hand side of lane of travel. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.100 or RCW 46.61.105;
  14. Wrong way on a one-way street or rotary traffic island. Traveling the wrong way down a one-way street or around a roundabout or a “traffic island”. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.135;
  15. Improper lane change or travel. Failing to change lanes properly. Not properly maintaining your lane of travel, traveling over the center lane, or otherwise not obeying all lane markings on the roadways. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.61.140;
  16. Driving without lights. Basically, from a half hour after sunset until a half hour before sunrise, or at any other time when it’s dark or visibility is bad, you must drive with your head lights on or “illuminated”. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.37.020;
  17. Straddling or driving over centerline. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.140;
  18. Driving on the wrong side of the road. Operating a motor vehicle on the wrong side of the roadway. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.150;
  19. Crossing divider. You cannot cross a lane divider while driving on a public roadway. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.150;
  20. Improper entrance to or exit from freeway. Designated freeway entrances and exits must be used only for their marked use. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.155;
  21. Violating restrictions on a limited access highway while driving a motor vehicle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.160;
  22. Improper overtaking or passing. You must pass on left unless otherwise allowed by law. on the or more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.110, RCW 46.61.115, RCW 46.61.120, RCW 46.61.125, RCW 46.61.130, or RCW 46.61.428;
  23. Passing stopped school bus. You cannot lawfully pass a stopped school bus. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.370;
  24. Passing stopped private carrier bus. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.375;
  25. Following fire apparatus. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.635;
  26. Crossing fire hose. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.640;
  27. Driving on sidewalk. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.606;
  28. Driving through safety zone. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.61.260;
  29. Driving with wheels off roadway. You must stay on the roadway at all times, unless it’s an emergency situation. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.670;
  30. Impeding traffic. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.100, RCW 46.61.425, or RCW 46.20.427;
  31. Improper turn. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.61.290;
  32. Prohibited turn. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.295;
  33. Failure to signal or improper signal. You must properly signal before all lane changes. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.305, RCW 46.61.310, or RCW 46.61.315;
  34. Improper backing. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.605;
  35. Unlawful operation of motorcycle on roadway. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.608, RCW 46.61.612, or RCW 46.61.614;
  36. Failure to maintain control. You must maintain control of your vehicle at all times given all of the roadway conditions present. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.61.445;
  37. Violation of license restriction(s). For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.20.041 or RCW 46.20.740;
  38. Violation of instruction permit restrictions. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.20.055;
  39. Violation of out-of-service order. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.25.090;
  40. Obstructed vision or control. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.615;
  41. Carrying persons or animals outside of vehicle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.660;
  42. Carrying passenger in towed vehicle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.625;
  43. Violation of child restraint requirements. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.687;
  44. Carrying child under the age of five years old on motorcycle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.37.530;
  45. Carrying passenger improperly on motorcycle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.61.610;
  46. No helmet, goggles, mirrors, windshield or face shield. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.37.530;
  47. Operating moped on freeway or sidewalk. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.710;
  48. Failure to dim lights. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.37.230;
  49. Operating motorcycle without lights. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.37.522;
  50. No lamp, reflector, or flag on extended load. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.37.140;
  51. Wearing earphones or viewing television in vehicle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.37.480;
  52. Failure to secure load. Failing to properly secure a load is an increasing point of emphasis for law enforcement throughout King County. Basically, every load must be “ securely fastened and protected by safety chains or other devices ”. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic violation, click here: RCW 46.37.490;
  53. Spilling load. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.655;
  54. Improper towing. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.44.070;
  55. Open container violation (driver). Basically, you cannot operate a motor vehicle on a public roadway in Washington State with an open container of alcohol or marijuana in passenger compartment of the vehicle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic ticket, click here: RCW 46.61.519;
  56. Disobey school patrol. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic infraction, click here: RCW 46.61.385;

We also handle all of the following criminal driving matters, which are also defined as “moving violations” under Washington State law. These criminal “traffic ticket” violations are extremely serious crimes in Seattle and King County.

  1. DUI and Drunk Driving (alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs, or a combination of these). Driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug is a very serious criminal offense here in the City of Seattle and throughout King County. For more information about the specific legal definition of this driving crime, click here: RCW 46.61.502;
  2. Physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug. For more information about the specific legal definition of this criminal charge, click here: RCW 46.61.504;
  3. Vehicular homicide. For more information about the specific legal definition of this crime, click here: RCW 6.61.520;
  4. Vehicular assault. For more information about the specific legal definition of this driving crime, click here: RCW 46.61.522;
  5. Reckless driving. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic crime, click here: RCW 46.61.500;
  6. Racing. For more information about the specific legal definition of this criminal charge, click here: RCW 46.61.530;
  7. Negligent driving in the first degree. For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic crime, click here: RCW 46.61.5249;
  8. Hit and run (injury, death, striking the body of a deceased person, or occupied vehicle). For more information about the specific legal definition of this criminal charge, click here: RCW 46.52.020;
  9. Hit and run (unattended vehicle or property). For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic crime, click here: RCW 46.52.010;
  10. Attempting to elude a police vehicle. For more information about the specific legal definition of this criminal driving charge, click here: RCW 46.61.024;
  11. Driving while driving privilege suspended or revoked (DWLS First Degree, Second Degree, and Third Degree). For more information about the specific legal definition of this traffic crime, click here: RCW 46.20.342, RCW 46.20.345, or RCW 46.20.394;
  12. Reckless endangerment. For more information about the specific legal definition of this criminal charge, click here: RCW 9A.36.050;
  13. Reckless endangerment of roadway workers, as defined in RCW by 46.61.527;
  14. Minor DUI or Underage Driving and Driving. Driver under twenty-one driving or being in physical control of a motor vehicle after consuming alcohol. For more information about the specific legal definition of this criminal charge, click here: RCW 46.61.503;
  15. Driving or in physical control of commercial motor vehicle while having alcohol in system. For more information about the specific legal definition of this criminal driving charge, click here: 46.25.110;

If you've been cited for any traffic violation, contact us for a free consultation. We handle cases involving traffic tickets for a flat fee of between $300 to $400. More serious crimes involving a motor vehicle will require more intensive representation. In either situation, it makes sense to do everything you can to avoid the full repercussions of the Washington Courts.

Get Help from a Seattle Lawyer Today

Legal challenges are some of the most difficult you'll ever face in life. Make sure you get help from a qualified attorney with your best interests in mind. Our King County lawyers have more than 50 years of collective experience that they are ready to use on your behalf.

Seattle is no stranger to crime, but how bad is it really?

As the largest city in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle has its share of problems, even though it's also one of the best places to live in the United States. Seattle's unique geography places residents in the middle of some of the most amazing outdoor and back-country experiences the world has to offer, with a vibrant city culture that offers everything from great food to world-class entertainment. However, with these many positives comes the negatives associated with urban life. Crime, divorce, poverty, drugs, and even bankruptcy are realities of life in Seattle, which is why sometimes people need a qualified attorney.

There are all sorts of conflicting statistics related to crime in Seattle, but most agree that violent crime is lower than in many other cities across America. Other parts of King County have their own problems, and the same can be said for other areas in the region like Everett. There are those that say property crime statistics are also misread or inflated for political reasons.

No matter what, when you're accused of a crime it's important to protect your own interests. Especially, if you feel as though you are innocent. There are all sorts of reasons an innocent person may be accused of a crime they did not commit, and this is when a quality attorney in your corner can be especially beneficial.

City life is never easy. Money problems can spiral out of control. In 2009, Seattle was hit hard by the housing crisis, and more people than ever were declaring bankruptcy. Many lost their homes. However, the economy rebounded with a vengeance in Seattle, which means bankruptcies are down. In fact, statistics show it's becoming difficult for many to find a home in their price range to purchase.

Money problems are the number-one cause of family problems. According to a 2012 study, divorce rates in Washington State are about 15% higher than other states. While money problems certainly can lead to divorce, city life itself can strain a marriage in countless ways. Problems with addiction or domestic abuse can ruin a marriage. Custody issues can damage the well being of children.

Throughout our many years handling law in Washington State, our King County lawyers have dealt with countless situations requiring legal finesse. As we get older, life becomes even more complicated. When you're suddenly faced with a potentially life-changing event in your own life, stress can take root in your heart and make it difficult to know where to turn.

Our Seattle lawyers understand that you need help taking the next step. No matter where you live in the Seattle area, you can contact us today and start getting answers without spending a dime.

We are here to help you resolve your legal problems, and will aggressively pursue your interests.

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Client Reviews
Great service and follow up. Its a scary thing when you need a lawyer but Jason and his team make it less so. Very happy with our outcome. Scott Thibeault
"I can't say enough great things about Jason Newcombe Law Office. I am retired military and I highly recommend Jason Newcombe Law Office. I reached out to Jason's office after sitting for hours reviewing multiple Domestic Violence Law Offices in King County. He responded before that day was over. I spoke with Jason's both in-person and by phone; felt very comfortable with his years of experience and straight talk. He took on my case, took me through the process with sound advice. The Attorney Erin Lane who accompanied me with my court appearances; can't praise and thank her enough for her time, selflessness and educational information prior to each court appearance. She made a really daunting task for me less fearful, given such grim circumstances. I am forever grateful for Jason and the Team of Attorneys." Tommy Harville
"I cannot thank Mr. Newcombe and his staff enough. They are awesome. When I first contacted his offices, I didn't know what to do. I was overwhelmed and confused. He did an amazing job, I highly recommend him! I had two cases, and he got both of them dismissed. If you are in trouble, do yourself a favor, give him a call. " David
"I had Mr. Newcombe's firm handle my ticket and I greatly appreciate their assistance. It was handle easily and with good communication from the associates. If you need assistance with some legal matters then I would refer you to them. " Marvin
"Jason Newcombe and his Associate's are all top notch individuals who will fight tooth and nail for you and go the distance to ensure that you receive the best outcome possible on your case. I would not be where I am today if not for the Law offices of Jason Newcombe. " Eric Brandt