DUI in Bremerton
DUI or Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol is a serious crime in Washington State. If you operate a motor vehicle after drinking enough alcohol to generate a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or higher, you can be charged with DUI. There are a number of other drunk driving crimes that are similar to DUI, including marijuana DUI, physical control violations, minor DUI, and felony DUI, among others.
Being arrested for a DUI in Bremerton is embarrassing, humiliating, and can leave you wondering whether you'll spend time in jail or lose your driver's license. It's highly unlikely you consider yourself to be a criminal and far more likely that you've never been in trouble with the law and would like to put this whole ordeal behind you as quickly as possible. While getting on with your life is important, our Bremerton DUI attorneys urge clients to patiently address these charges so that the best decisions can be made.
Our Bremerton DUI lawyers have more than 50 years of collective experience, and throughout those years we've handled countless drunk driving cases. The most important thing you can do right now is speak to a lawyer, get the facts, and then determine how best to proceed. Can your DUI charge be dropped? If not, is there any way to keep your driver's license and stay out of jail? Contact us today and let's figure it out.
The Kitsap County and Bremerton Municipal Courts, DUI Punishments, and YouIf you're convicted of a DUI in Kitsap County, you will face mandatory punishment that could have a far reaching effect on your life, and the lives of your loved ones. Discretionary penalties are often added to the mandatory punishments, but a judge will ultimately decide if they're warranted in your case. Possibly the worst part of being convicted for a DUI is the unforeseen repercussions that result from being arrested, processed, and being labeled as a criminal.
Bremerton DUIs are heard in the local municipal court, or in the Kitsap County District Court, depending on the jurisdiction of the crime. DUI is a gross misdemeanor in the State of Washington, and the punishments and repercussions you may face include:
- Up to 364 days in jail
- Up to $5,000 in fines
- Driver's license suspension
- Mandatory alcohol counseling
- Installation of an ignition interlock device on your car (which you have to pay for)
- Mandatory SR-22 (high risk) auto insurance for 3 years after your license is reinstated
- Obtaining a criminal record
- Inability to travel to Canada for 10 years
The unexpected repercussions of a DUI include not being able to drive. How will this affect your job, or your ability to get your kids to school? Fines and jail time may put a serious financial crunch on you family, which can lead to other problems. It's common for DUIs to have a negative cascading effect on families because of the stress and emotional upheaval they cause.
Obviously, you want to go back in time and make different choices. You want to know if there's any way to hit the reset button and have the charges dropped. If not, you want to stay out of jail and keep your driver's license. Our Bremerton DUI lawyers can't make any guarantees, but we will work diligently to investigate the details of your arrest and seek out any legal means to pursue these options. If you maintain your innocence, we will do everything we can to ensure you get to tell your side of the story.
Building a DUI Defense Starts with a Free Consultation
Right now, you probably feel like your entire life is in jeopardy. You could lose your ability to drive, your freedom, and possible much more. Don't let the fear of the unknown prevent you from taking action right now. Contact our Bremerton law office and speak to one of our Kitsap County DUI attorneys without cost or obligation.
During your free consultation, we will ask you some questions to explore various defense options. For example, if you were pulled over by the police without a lawful and just reason, we may be able to use this in your defense. If the device used to measure your BAC wasn't maintained according to government mandated regulations, this may allow us to have your DUI charges dropped. At the very least, this information can help strengthen our position as we seek to minimize your punishments in some way.
Contact a Bremerton DUI attorney today and make sure you have the answers required to make the best decisions possible concerning your future.