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Bellevue Bankruptcy

We. Do. Bankruptcy. Affordable Bellevue Bankruptcy Lawyers.
  • Wipe out your qualifying debts and get the fresh start you deserve
  • Keep your personal property and other assets
  • Stop all creditor harassment immediately
  • Never pay your credit cards bills again
  • Stop all garnishment actions
What Happens When You File for Bankruptcy?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to never pay your unsecured creditors ever again? Think about it for a minute. What if you never had to pay another credit card bill, another medical bill, or another PayDay loan? What if you could stop a home foreclosure in a heartbeat or prevent your vehicle from being repossessed in the middle of the night? What if you could wipe out a legal judgement, or get a lawsuit dismissed? 

If you qualify, bankruptcy can make it happen. No joke. 

Now, let all of that sink in for a minute. If you are struggling financially every month, bankruptcy just might be the answer.

Your creditors want you to believe that if are even contemplating filing for bankruptcy this somehow is the equivalent of being a complete failure in life. Our Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys want you to understand that the people peddling this argument need to be drug test.

Here’s the real truth. A lot of people will tell you that filing for bankruptcy in the United States is the most powerful financial tool on the planet.

After all, how often do you really get to hit the reset button in life?

You will also have additional monthly cash flow to meet future financial obligations. This will keep you from having late payments in the future. Most of our clients report an improvement in their credit score six months after filing. And, if you are financially responsible in the future, your creditor score can improve dramatically in the years following your filing.

One of the other important and valuable services that our Bellevue bankruptcy lawyers can offer is getting those nasty creditors to stop making harassing phone calls at hours of the day and night. Once your bankruptcy case starts moving forward, creditors stop calling. This is because an “Automatic Stay” takes effect as soon as your bankruptcy petition is filed. If they persist, you may have a cause for legal action against them if they continue to harass you and violate the law after your bankruptcy petition is formally filed. This is called a violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Action.

The United States Bankruptcy Code

The United States Bankruptcy Code was enacted in order to assist debtors who could simply no longer pay their financial obligations. Our legislators understood that a person who was completely and hopelessly financially crippled was nothing but a drag on the economy at large. These people also were much more likely to be homeless and fall into a life of crime.

If you can qualify, filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection is like your best option. This chapter of the Bankruptcy Code is often referred to as a “liquidation” bankruptcy. In reality, however, very few of Chapter 7 clients end up forfeiting any of their property. In most cases, everything that they own can be exempted from liquidation.

A Chapter 7 is usually the best option because it is quick and very powerful. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful financial tools on the planet. I mean, how often do you get to hit the rest button in life? Not very often, right? If you qualify and successfully file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition, 100% of your qualifying debts are completely discharged or permanently wiped out. This is the “fresh start” that bankruptcy guarantees. 

This means that your creditors can never contact you about this debt again. Ever. Let that sink in for a minute. Can you imagine what it would be like to never have to pay your credit debts or your medical bills, or any other qualifying debt, ever again? Are you hoping to stop a wage garnishment, or a lawsuit, or a repossession? If so, Chapter 7 bankruptcy just might be the answer. For many of our Bellevue bankruptcy clients, it’s often the financial solution that they have been seeking for some time.

All bankruptcy filers are required to finish pre-bankruptcy and pre-discharge debtor courses to take courses in Credit Counseling and Debtor Education. These classes must be completed in order to obtain your discharge. Completion of your Credit Counseling Course must occur before you file for bankruptcy. And, the Debtor Education Course must be completed after you file. Again, completion of both courses is required in order for the filers debts to be discharged.

It's also important and help to understand that only credit counseling organizations and debtor education course providers that have been approved by the U.S. Trustee Program are allowed to issue these certificates of completion. If you need assistance finding an approved credit counseling agency or debtor education provider, just follow these links.

Many people ask us if they can file for bankruptcy on their own. And the answer is 100% yes. You can certainly prepare and file your bankruptcy petition on your own. Most bankruptcy lawyers, however, would probably advise against this course of action, unless there were no other alternative. 

Why? Because in the majority of cases, an experienced bankruptcy attorney will be in a better position to both ensure that you receive maximum financial relief under the Code, as well increase your chances of having your petition sail smoothly from filing to discharge.

Because you live in King County, your case will be filed with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Washington. The Western District Court landing page provides a ton of helpful and useful information about filing for bankruptcy, not only in Bellevue, but throughout Western Washington. 

The Western District’s landing page also has a number of “Quick Links” that provide additional information about things like Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Checklists, Local Bankruptcy Rules, the Section 341(a) Meeting of Creditors, Bankruptcy & Your Credit Report, as well as number of other important bankruptcy and debt-relief related issues.

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Washington is a federal court serving the area west of the Cascade Mountains from Oregon to the Canadian border. The district has courthouses in Seattle and Tacoma.

Make Monthly Payments You Can Afford. Serving all of King County.

We offer:

  • Flexible Payment Plans
  • Low Flat Fees
What Exactly Is a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan?

At its core, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan is really nothing more than a “structured” debt repayment plan. Think of it as a type of "debt consolidation" plan where you end up making only one monthly payment to the trustee. This repayment plan will last from three to five years and will be based on your ability to pay given your income, and, in certain circumstances, your assets.

During your initial consultation, our attorneys will explore all of your options, including whether or not pursuing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is your best option. In most cases, our clients are best served by filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition.

In certain instances, however, this is simply not possible. For example, you simply may not qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy based on your income and our analysis of your debts and assets under the new bankruptcy “means test”. In these situations, filing for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be your only viable option.

In determining whether or not a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is appropriate in your case, you and your Bellevue bankruptcy attorney will create a plan to pay off a percentage of your debts over the life your plan. We will craft a plan that is specifically tailored to you, your debts, and your ongoing monthly cash flow needs.

As part of the process of learning more about filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the Western District of Washington Bankruptcy Court has put together a Chapter 13 Checklist that also includes critical forms. If you are considering trying to file for bankruptcy on your own, this Chapter 13 bankruptcy checklist should be extremely helpful and informative.

Filing For a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Has Other Benefits as Well.

The simple truth is that every case is unique based on your specific financial situation. Under certain circumstances, however, filing for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy here in Washington State may be in your best interests because it will allow you to protect and preserve assets that would otherwise have to be forfeited to the trustee in a Chapter 7 proceeding.

Don't Simply Forfeit Your Bellevue House.

Additionally, if you own your home and want to protect it from foreclosure or you simply need time to catch up on your payments, pursuing a Chapter 13 will probably be your best option. In the vast majority of situations, we are able to prevent a foreclosure from occurring and structure a repayment plan that enables you to get your mortgage caught up so long as you are able to make your monthly Chapter 13 payments to the trustee.

There may also be certain tax benefits to pursuing a Chapter 13 over a Chapter 7. In certain instances, you may be able to discharge some of your tax debts by filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy instead of a Chapter 7.

The Terms and Amount of Debt Repaid Under Each Chapter 13 Plan Varies Depending on Several Factors.

Under the terms of your Chapter 13 bankruptcy payment plan, you will enter into an agreement to pay back 100 percent of your secured debt over a 36 to 60 month period. Think of secured debt as debt that is backed by certain property, such as your house or your vehicle.

After you and your Bellevue Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney have thoroughly reviewed your finances, we will determine a budget based on what you can afford to pay on a monthly basis. During the term of the plan, you will also pay back a certain percentage of your unsecured debts.

Unsecured debts are simply debts that have no security or collateral. Examples of unsecured debts include credit card bills, medical bills, judgments from lawsuits, payday loans, utility bills, and many others. The percentage of your unsecured debts that is repaid is determined by several factors, which we will review with you in detail prior to structuring your repayment plan.

Make One Monthly Payment That You Can Afford.

As noted above, whether you live in Bellevue, WA or elsewhere in King County, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan is really nothing more than form of debt consolidation. Instead of making numerous payments every month to multiple creditors, you will simply make one "structured" payment to the bankruptcy trustee based on what you can afford each month. The trustee will then in turn pay your creditors.

The good news is that filing for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy puts an immediate stop to home foreclosure, all harassing phone calls, eviction proceedings, wage garnishments, and repossessions.

We are Bellevue, Washington Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys and King County debt relief lawyers. We assist people seeking protection under the state and federal bankruptcy code. If you are facing a home foreclosure or are in financial crisis and need legal advice or help, we invite you to call our offices to learn more about your options and how our bankruptcy laws can protect you.

Our Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys are experienced Chapter 13 attorneys. If you are trying to prevent your home from being foreclosed upon by a trustee, we may be able to help you save your house. Also, if you earn a bit too much to qualify for Chapter 7 protection, a Chapter 13 may still be a great option depending on the amount of your debt.

Life in Bellevue, Washington.

Many people somehow believe that if you live on the Eastside, you are financially set. This is obviously not true for everyone. Many of our Bellevue friends and neighbors are struggling financially, again, often through no real fault of their own. Our Bellevue bankruptcy lawyers are here to help.

The City of Bellevue is a wonderful place to live and work. The local government is active in the community, and its citizens genuinely care about each other. In the Spring and Summer, the city really comes alive. And, it’s also a magical place around the holidays.

There are numerous recreational activities and local things to do, year round. Like every city in Washington State, however, Bellevue is not immune to financial downturns in either the local economy or the local housing market.

Bellevue is filled with great activities. And, many of them are centrally located in the downtown area. In fact, there are so many great things to do in Bellevue, that the hardest part of figuring out what to do may be simply having to decide from so many great options. The Bellevue Downtown Association is another great resource for finding wonderful things to do around the city, especially around the holidays.

In addition to all of the great local activities, Bellevue is also just a stone’s throw from the Cascade Range. At the top of Snoqualmie Pass is a ski resort where many people from Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond, Issaquah, North Bend, as well as many other Eastside communities come to ski every winter. It’s also a favorite cross-country skiing and snowshoeing destination for many King County residents.

And, in the Spring and the Summer, it’s also home to some outstanding hiking, fishing, and mountaineering. It’s also a great place for all outdoor activities, whether Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall.

Truly, the Snoqualmie Pass on I-90 offers a ton of activities, year round.

There are few places like Bellevue anywhere else in Washington State. From it’s extremely livable and vibrant downtown to its thriving economy, it’s definitely a place that a lot people are happy to call home. Bellevue businesses continue to do well, but even they are not immune to the whims of our local housing market and Washington State economics.

From our Bankruptcy Legal Services Offices, located in downtown Bellevue, we serve the following Eastside cities:

A good Bellevue bankruptcy and debt relief lawyer understands the Bankruptcy Code inside and out. And, more importantly, they understand how to maximize your relief under it. In Washington State, bankruptcy filers have the option of either using federal or state law when it comes to their exemptions. This analysis is generally always best done by an experienced bankruptcy attorney.

It’s also important to keep in mind that bankruptcy serves a super important function in our economy. A financially struggling person or family is a drag on the economy. People who are really behind the financial eight ball cannot participate in a consumer-driven economy, which is bad for everyone. Filing for bankruptcy enables people to get back up.

Your creditors want you to believe that if you even think about filing for bankruptcy, this somehow is the equivalent of being a complete financial failure in life. Our Bellevue bankruptcy lawyers want you to know that this nothing but a bunch of hogwash. The Washington State and federal bankruptcy laws were specifically enacted to help good, honest, and hard-working people who simply fell on difficult financial times, often through no fault of their own.

Your Credit, Your Car, And Your Property.

As for your property and assets, most of our clients keep 100% of their personal assets when they file. This includes their car, their jewelry, their household items, and almost all other personal property. The bankruptcy laws specifically allow for people to keep their personal property so long as their value falls within certain limits. These are called bankruptcy exemptions and our clients' personal property rarely falls outside of them.

Many of our Bellevue bankruptcy clients are somewhat shocked to learn how generous a lot of the exemptions are under the federal and Washington State bankruptcy laws. If you think about it, however, it only makes sense to allow people who are filing to keep the property that they need in order to get the fresh start that bankruptcy provides. 

I mean, if the trustee simply took everything they could, from every single bankruptcy filer, then, many people who emerged from their bankruptcy with a full discharge would be homeless and without any possessions at all. For obvious reasons, this kind of result would make no sense. It would be entirely counterproductive to what our bankruptcy laws are intended to accomplish.

You don’t want to take someone who is struggling financially and then take away every last thing they own. How are they supposed to start over with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their back?

Additionally, and, equally importantly, no one benefits when our fellow citizens are struggling financially to such an extent that they cannot even provide food, shelter, and other basic necessities for their family. Bankruptcy often immediately frees up desperately needed cash flow. By diverting money from unsecured creditor bills, many of our clients are able to dramatically improve their lives overnight.

In our experience, the vast majority of people in financial distress still qualify for bankruptcy, even after the most recent revisions to the Bankruptcy Code. Here’s something else that many of our Washington State and King County bankruptcy clients don’t realize: In many cases, filing for bankruptcy will actually improve their credit score within six months of filing because a significant part of your score is based on your debt-to-income ratio.

Some of Our Most Asked Bankruptcy Questions.

If you are like most of our Bellevue bankruptcy clients, you probably have a number of questions regarding your legal rights and options when it comes to debt. Our King County bankruptcy lawyers are here to help

For example, many of our potential debt relief clients have the following questions: Can I qualify to file for bankruptcy? How will filing for bankruptcy affect my credit and my ability to buy a house in the future? What happens to my property and other assets when I file? What happens to my retirement if I file for bankruptcy?

In our experience, the vast majority of people in true financial distress qualify for bankruptcy, even if their income is a touch on the high side. In many cases, filing for bankruptcy will actually improve your credit score because a significant part of your score is based on your debt-to-income ratio. You will also have additional monthly cash flow to meet future financial obligations. This will keep you from having late payments in the future.

For many of our clients, attempting some kind of debt consolidation program is NOT their best option, certainly not long term.

Why? Well, because if you enter into debt consolidation program, you are going to be paying on that debt, usually for years to come. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will immediately wipe out all unsecured debt, ensuring that you never have to pay on your credit card bills, medical bills, or any other qualifying unsecured debt. Ever.

Let that sink in for a moment. Think about what it would be like to never have to pay your credit card bills again? Imagine of your medical bills, wage garnishment,

Most of our clients report an improvement in their credit score six months after filing. And, if you are financially responsible in the future, your creditor score can improve dramatically in the years following your filing. As for your property and assets, most of our clients keep 100% of their personal assets when they file.

If you live in Bellevue, Washington and have questions about whether or how we can exempt one or more types of your personal property, you should speak with one of our Bellevue attorneys who can review your case and provide you with more detailed legal advice that is tailored to your specific facts and circumstances.

Is Bankruptcy Right for Me? Should I File a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13?

Whether you are eligible to pursue bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7, or whether you need to pursue a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan due to your income being a bit on high side, our Bellevue attorneys are here to help you understand that getting a fresh financial start is your absolute legal right. If you qualify, pursuing protection and relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Code

If you have questions about whether or not bankruptcy is the best option for you and your family, we encourage you to call us for a free, no obligation consultation. From our conveniently located Bellevue bankruptcy offices, we assist clients throughout the entire Eastside of King County. Our debt relief lawyers want you to understand that bankruptcy does not equate with somehow failing in life. In fact, just the opposite.

Most of our Washington State bankruptcy clients find themselves in financial distress through not real fault of their own. Whether through divorce, a medical injury, an aging parent, loss of job, or a host of other unpredictable and unfortunate situations that anyone can suddenly find themselves facing. Your creditors want you to somehow believe that even considering filing for bankruptcy means that you are somehow a bad person. Our attorneys want you to understand that this is complete rubbish.

If you qualify for bankruptcy protection, whether it’s Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, then you owe it to yourself to learn more about how filing for bankruptcy may be your best option. You’ve struggled long enough. Let our bankruptcy attorneys help you get the fresh financial start that you deserve.

No one benefits when people are being crushed by crippling debt. People who cannot pay their bills or afford to participate in our consumer-driven economy are bad for the local economy and bad for national growth. This is part of the reason why our bankruptcy laws were first enacted. The Federal and Washington State bankruptcy laws were enacted to help honest and hard-working folks get back on their financial feet so that they can actively participate in the economy again.

Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Which Chapter Is Best for Me?

Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy share many of the same characteristics for consumer debt relief. However, there are distinct differences between the two. The main difference is that Chapter 13 Bankruptcy has a Chapter 13 Plan to allow the debtor to restructure and repay certain debts, such as a mortgage arrears, taxes and/or car loan, where a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy does not have any mechanism to restructure certain debts.

However, a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is completed sooner, is less complicated, and serves the needs of most debtors with limited/below average income. If you can qualify, most people benefit the most by choosing to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. But, there are also many reasons why filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection might not be possible. The most common reason is because someone makes too much money.

Two of the primary factors used to determine Chapter 7 qualification are household income and number of people in the household. And, if the household income is simply too high, then pursuing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy might be their only option. Often, determining whether you can qualify for Chapter 7 protection here in Washington State is complicated and seeking the assistance of a good Bellevue bankruptcy lawyer is extremely helpful.

Our debt relief lawyers are helpful and informative. We firmly believe that our primary job is to help you to understand your legal rights and options when it comes to financial protection and relief under the Washington State and Federal bankruptcy laws. From our bankruptcy legal services offices, which are conveniently located in downtown Bellevue, we serve debt relief clients throughout the entire Eastside of King County.

Benefits of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
  1. Discharges all qualifying unsecured debts. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharges all qualifying unsecured debts, so you are no longer obligated to pay them. A good Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to specific exemptions and protecting as much of your property as possible.
  2. Your discharge is typically issued within 4 months. Unlike a Chapter 13 bankruptcy which has a repayment plan of at least some of your debts, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is typically a quick process which discharges the debt within about 4 months from the date your bankruptcy petition is filed. And so long as all of your property can be protected, your Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case should completely close within approximately 4 months as well.
  3. Stops a Scheduled Foreclosure Sale and Car Repossession. Although there is no repayment schedule for either a car loan or mortgage in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy; by stopping all foreclosure and/or car repossession action, the debtor will have more time to catch up with their payments or work with the lender directly to modify the mortgage or car loan. If you have questions about whether or not filing for bankruptcy is the best option for you when it comes to stopping your car or vehicle repossession, we encourage you to call our offices now for a free, no obligation consultation. One of our Bellevue Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys will be happy to help you understand how we can help.
  4. Stops Garnishment Actions and Lawsuits. The filing of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition stops all garnishment and legal actions against the debtor. Also, if more than $600 has been garnished from the debtor within 90 days of filing the bankruptcy petition, your bankruptcy attorney will demand that that money is returned to you, and it should be returned within approximately 60 days.
  5. Keep Your Property. The bankruptcy exemptions allow the debtor to keep a generous amount of personal and real property, including your home, car, furniture, jewelry, other household items and retirement funds. Our experienced Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys will review all of your property prior to filing for bankruptcy so you can be assured that all of your exemptible property will be protected.
Benefits of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. 1. The Chapter 13 Plan: As stated above, the Chapter 13 Plan allows certain debts to be restructured over a period of up to 60 months. Mortgage arrears, car loan, and nondischargable tax debt is the most common type of debt that can be restructured in a Chapter 13 Plan.

Also, the portion of an above median income debtor unsecured debt that must be paid back to his or her creditors is paid through the Chapter 13 Plan. Calculating this amount is a difficult process that requires a complex Means test calculation and other variables. The assistance of a helpful and informative King County bankruptcy attorney can guide you through this process.

The decision to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection in Washington State can be a complicated one. And, in general, consulting with an experienced and helpful bankruptcy attorney is a must. Ideally, you can talk with a Bellevue Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney will be able to not only help you determine whether or not you qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection, but what kind of a plan payment you could be looking at in order to successfully complete your payment plan.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans last from 36 to 60 months. The amount of time that your plan lasts is directly correlated to the amount you owe and your monthly income. Our Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys are here to help. If you have questions about whether or not you can qualify for Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection here in Washington State, we encourage you to call our Bellevue bankruptcy offices for a free initial consultation.

We offer affordable flat fees on our Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases. And, our Bellevue Chapter 13 attorneys are able to include that majority of these fees in your payment plan.

Stop Car Repossessions

Filing a bankruptcy petition will immediately stop an auto lender from repossession your car. However, this may only temporarily stop the repossession action if you can still not afford to pay your car loans even if some or all of your other debts are discharged in your bankruptcy proceedings.

Our Bellevue car repossession attorneys want you to understand that you have very important state and federal statutory rights when it comes to your vehicle and whether or not your creditors have the legal right to repossess it. Whether or not to keep your car or truck can also be a complicated decision that is potentially affected by many factors.

If you have questions about your car or vehicle and what will happen to it if you file for bankruptcy, give us a call. One of our bankruptcy attorneys will be happy to review the specific facts and circumstances of your case and then help you to understand whether or not bankruptcy might be the right path for you. And, if so, how can we help? Get help, information, and answers now.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Your Vehicle.

Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will only stop the car repossession process temporarily. If you cannot catch up with your car payment, you will probably have your car repossessed after the automatic stay is lifted.

One option if you cannot afford your current car loan is to apply for a redemption loan and repay your car loan through a different loan based upon the car’s current fair market value.

Some auto lenders also require a reaffirmation agreement to for the debtor to keep his or her car when a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy petition is filed. A reaffirmation agreement is a post-bankruptcy contract, so it is enforceable and nondischargeable even though the original car loan was taken out before the bankruptcy petition was filed.

Usually, credit unions are the only lender to require a reaffirmation, but sometimes other auto lenders do as well. Even if the borrower is current on his or her car loan, if a reaffirmation agreement on the loan is not signed, the lender can repossess the car at the conclusion of debtor’s Chapter 7 Bankruptcy case.

Signing a reaffirmation agreement also puts the debtor back on the hook for the car loan where if there is any negative equity and the borrower falls behind in the car loan and the car is repossessed, the debtor is legally responsible and can be sued for this negative deficiency whereas if the reaffirmation agreement was not signed and executed, the lender could not have sued for borrower for the deficiency, as that debt would have been discharged in the bankruptcy proceeding.

If you have questions about what will happen to your car or vehicle if you file for bankruptcy protection, you owe it to yourself to speak with an experienced debt relief attorney. Our bankruptcy attorneys understand the laws regarding repossession of cars and vehicles, and we will help you to understand how filing for bankruptcy may or may not help with your current financial crisis.

In some cases, it may actually make the most sense to just let the creditor repossess the vehicle. Why? Because any deficiency judgement following the auction of the car will be discharged in your bankruptcy.

Sometimes, if a borrower is behind in his or her car loan when the bankruptcy petition is filed, the lender will allow the borrower to catch up and restructure the car loan through a reaffirmation agreement so the car will not be repossessed if the borrower now remains current on the new agreement. Sometimes a reaffirmation agreement can also change the terms of the loan by lower the monthly payments, the interest rate, and/or extended the terms of the loan.

A lot of our Bellevue Chapter 7 clients have questions about what will happen to their car or vehicle if they file for bankruptcy. Many are under the mistaken assumption that they must surrender their vehicle, no matter what. This is simply not the case. But, as will most things related to filing for bankruptcy, it’s always best to consult with a debt relief attorney who is familiar with the laws and the courts of the jurisdiction where you reside.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and Your Vehicle.

Filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy offers other options to repay your car loan at different monthly payments and interest. A good Chapter 13 attorney is familiar with and has at their disposal a variety of tools that can be used when it comes to your car or vehicle and what happens after your bankruptcy petition is filed.

Am I Eligible to Do a “Cramdown” And/Or Restructuring of My Car Loan.

 If your car loan is over 910 days old, you can use a Chapter 13 Plan to lower/”cramdown” the car loan to its fair market value and have the payment restructured up to 60 months in a Chapter 13 Plan. Even if the car loan cannot be crammed down, in many cases the loan can still be restructured in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and the payments lowered by spreading out the remaining balance over a 5 year period. The interest rate can also be crammed down to a few percentage points above the prime rate even if your car loan is not 910 days old.

Call us now to learn more about your options when it comes to your vehicle and seeking protection and debt relief through a Washington State bankruptcy. If you are tired of your creditors calling you day and night about past due payments, you owe it to yourself to learn more about how filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection might be your best move when it comes to wiping out your bills and debts while keeping your secured property and assets.

Of course, in order to keep your secured assets, you must be able to afford the monthly ongoing payments for them.

Stop all Harassing Phone Calls Today!

If you are like most of our Bellevue bankruptcy clients, you probably have a number of questions regarding your legal rights and options. We're here to help you answer these questions.

  • Can I qualify to file for bankruptcy?
  • How will filing for bankruptcy affect my credit and my ability to buy a house in the future?
  • Will I be able to keep my home and my car?
  • What happens to my other property and assets when I file for bankruptcy?
  • What about my medical bills? Can they be discharged in bankruptcy?

Will I Be Able to Keep My House if I File for Bankruptcy?

If you have no more than $125,000 equity in equity in your house, and you can continue to make your regular monthly payments, you should be able to keep your house after filing for bankruptcy. Thankfully, Washington State has a pretty generous exemption for a filers personal residence. This protection often allows our qualifying clients to keep their home.

If you are facing a foreclosure, however, it is important that you act quickly. We may even be able to assist you in discharging your second mortgage. If your second and any succeeding mortgages no longer have any secured value based upon the current fair market value of your home, you we may be able to discharge your second and any additional successive mortgages through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

If you qualify under these circumstances, one of our Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys will assist you through this complex process. If you qualify, we will be able wipe out one or more mortgages on your house. Your first mortgage cannot be discharged.

Otherwise, in order to save your house, must be able to make your regular mortgage payment to keep your house. Except as detailed above, the current bankruptcy laws do not allow you to lower your mortgage payment by filing for bankruptcy. With your non-secured debts wiped out, however, you may have the additional cash-flow necessary to try and keep your home.

What About My Medical Bills? Can They Be Discharged?

The simple answer to this question is almost always yes. Medical bills are simply another form of unsecured debt, and they are nearly always completely discharged by successfully filing for bankruptcy. If you have questions about whether or not your medical bills can be fully discharged if you file for bankruptcy, we’re here to help. One of our King County bankruptcy attorneys will be happy to discuss the specific facts and circumstances of your case, as well as how we can help.

According to recent studies, medical bills are a contributing factor to well over half of all personal bankruptcy filings. Additionally, about 75% of bankruptcy filers who included medical bills in their bankruptcy had some form of medical insurance. The simple truth is that the high cost of medical care has gotten completely out of control.

Even with insurance, many families are just one medical emergency away from a financial crisis. If you have a large amount of medical bills you cannot afford to pay, contact an experienced bankruptcy attorney to discuss the benefits of filing for bankruptcy to relieve yourself of your medical debt.

Stop all Harassing Phone Calls Today!

One of the other important and valuable services that our Washington State and Bellevue bankruptcy attorneys can offer is getting those nasty creditors to stop making harassing phone calls at hours of the day and night. Once your bankruptcy case starts moving forward, the creditor harassment stops.

Every case is unique. In order for us to really be of assistance, we invite you to call our offices for a free consultation. During this initial consultation, we can learn more about your specific circumstances and then explain your legal rights and options. You can then make an informed decision about how best to proceed.

To learn more about our specific Washington State and Bellevue bankruptcy services, as well as how we can assist you, please call us now for a free financial evaluation and case evaluation.

Every case is unique in some way or another. We want to help you build a bridge to a new financial future. The Federal and Washington State bankruptcy laws are powerful financial tools that can enable you to take back your life if you qualify.

In order for us to really be of assistance, we invite you to call our offices for a free consultation. During this initial consultation, we can learn more about your specific circumstances and then explain your legal rights and options. You can then make an informed decision about how best to proceed.

To learn more about our Bankruptcy services and how we can assist you, schedule an appointment at our conveniently located Bellevue bankruptcy offices. Our debt relief legal services offices are conveniently located in downtown Bellevue, Washington.

We Want to Be Your Bellevue Personal Bankruptcy Lawyer.

Despite what the credit card companies and their nasty bill collectors want you to believe, filing for bankruptcy is not a failure. On the contrary, it is your legal right. No one sets out in life to get behind the financial eight ball and put themselves in a position where they are unable to meet their monthly obligations.

Filing for bankruptcy does not make you a bad person. In fact, we have found just the opposite to be true. The vast majority of our Bellevue bankruptcy clients are good people who, for a variety of reasons, fell on tough times. It can happen to anyone. Often, their current financial crisis is not even their fault.

Loss of job, divorce, astronomical credit card fees and interest rates, a disability or medical emergency, as well as a host of other unexpected and difficult circumstances can wreak havoc on a household's finances. Often, a number of factors conspire together causing a downward spiral that is almost impossible to pull out of once it starts.

Our Bellevue bankruptcy legal services offices successfully prepare and file numerous personal bankruptcy petitions throughout Western Washington every year. Although the recent revisions to the bankruptcy code have made the process more complicated, the vast majority of our clients still qualify under the new bankruptcy laws.

Our Bellevue attorneys have the resources and the experience to assist you with your Washington State personal bankruptcy. Whether you are contemplating a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13, we are here to answer your questions and to help. And, if it makes sense to retain us, one of King County bankruptcy lawyers will be with you every step of the way.

Struggling with Debt?

BankruptcyAre you struggling to make ends meet every month? Are you tired of creditors calling you, even harassing you?

At the Law Offices of Jason S. Newcombe, we help good people who have fallen on hard times. We can help you file for and successfully complete the bankruptcy process. If you are struggling with a mountain of debt and need a way out, our experienced Bellevue, WA bankruptcy lawyers are ready to help you get a fresh financial start.

When you work with us, we'll let you know all of your rights and options. We'll give you the facts about your case and work toward the best possible outcome–whether that is just getting rid of your debt, saving your home, or stopping your car's repossession.

We'll walk you through the bankruptcy process and answer your questions every step of the way. From the initial bankruptcy filing to life after bankruptcy, you can count on us to be there for you.

You don't have to struggle with debt any longer. We can help you find peace of mind.

Find out if bankruptcy is right for you: contact us at our Bellevue office today for a free consultation with one of our experienced and trusted bankruptcy attorneys. To make it easier for you, we offer a free consultation, with no obligation.

To learn more about bankruptcy, visit one of the pages below:

Client Reviews
Great service and follow up. Its a scary thing when you need a lawyer but Jason and his team make it less so. Very happy with our outcome. Scott Thibeault
"I can't say enough great things about Jason Newcombe Law Office. I am retired military and I highly recommend Jason Newcombe Law Office. I reached out to Jason's office after sitting for hours reviewing multiple Domestic Violence Law Offices in King County. He responded before that day was over. I spoke with Jason's both in-person and by phone; felt very comfortable with his years of experience and straight talk. He took on my case, took me through the process with sound advice. The Attorney Erin Lane who accompanied me with my court appearances; can't praise and thank her enough for her time, selflessness and educational information prior to each court appearance. She made a really daunting task for me less fearful, given such grim circumstances. I am forever grateful for Jason and the Team of Attorneys." Tommy Harville
"I cannot thank Mr. Newcombe and his staff enough. They are awesome. When I first contacted his offices, I didn't know what to do. I was overwhelmed and confused. He did an amazing job, I highly recommend him! I had two cases, and he got both of them dismissed. If you are in trouble, do yourself a favor, give him a call. " David
"I had Mr. Newcombe's firm handle my ticket and I greatly appreciate their assistance. It was handle easily and with good communication from the associates. If you need assistance with some legal matters then I would refer you to them. " Marvin
"Jason Newcombe and his Associate's are all top notch individuals who will fight tooth and nail for you and go the distance to ensure that you receive the best outcome possible on your case. I would not be where I am today if not for the Law offices of Jason Newcombe. " Eric Brandt