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Malicious Mischief in Tacoma

Washington State is often viewed by others around the country as a Pacific Northwest haven, and that reputation is, for the most part, lived out by many residents here. The region offers the best of both worlds, with highly urbanized cities of the world and the natural splendor of both ocean and wilderness access. This offers a lot of recreational possibilities for everyone, although, unfortunately, not everyone who decides to partake does so in good faith and with respect to others and the law.

For some, particularly minors who are still growing and exploring their identities and boundaries, the activities they participate in can go beyond the limits of what the law allows. In some cases, these activities may even result in the destruction or damage to property. While no harm to others may be intended as a result, these actions are still damaging and are considered by state law to be criminal acts. In this case, Washington State refers to them as malicious mischief.

Our attorneys have been building their experience in legal cases all over Washington State for decades. The range of cases they have successfully resolved ranges from complex criminal cases to simple civil violations. We’ve helped people with legal problems in cities like Tacoma and the surrounding region. We have extensive experience in helping people resolve the legal challenges that come from facing criminal charges such as malicious mischief.

Tacoma’s Professional & Recreational Opportunities

Tacoma is positioned to the south of the state's largest city, Seattle, and also allows for easy access to the shores of Puget Sound. The Tacoma area is full of opportunities for both work and play and enjoys a generous urban and natural infrastructure. Thanks to the freedoms the average American enjoys, this opens up a lot of possibilities for both professional and recreational activities. Problems arise only when people don’t understand that freedom also comes with responsibility, and they abuse that freedom without respecting the rights of those around them. What may seem like a work of art or even a declaration of identity to some may sometimes involve the destruction or defacement of property in the process.

This is why the city of Tacoma has programs available to help people recover from certain destructive acts, such as graffiti. Unfortunately, while graffiti is a relatively superficial form of damage that can be recovered from with comparative ease, other types of damage are much more serious and can have a more widespread negative impact.

Destruction & Impairment Of Services

Under the Washington State legislature, malicious mischief is categorized in the same legal “chapter” as arson and reckless burning. This is because malicious mischief shares a chief common trait with these other acts: the general damage of property. Damage, in this case, has a broader term than simple physical damage. Graffiti, for example, may not necessarily physically damage a street sign or wall with dents, scratches, or other impacts, but it is still considered an act of malicious mischief.

It is important to understand that there are two primary components to malicious mischief, which is why it is considered a criminal and not a civil offense. The first and most important, which must be proven in court, is the “malicious” component. In other words, there must be deliberate intent. For a person to be charged with malicious mischief, law enforcement must suspect that an act is being done with the knowing and desired intention of causing damage. The second component is the damage itself. This is not just confined to physical damage; the stoppage of services would also count as an act of malicious mischief. So, while acts of vandalism such as destruction of property and graffiti are acts of malicious mischief, something like letting the air out of the tires of a bus so that it cannot continue its route, or deleting the records of a medical office so that patient information is lost count as damage despite no physical destruction occurring.

The Degrees

Malicious mischief charges are divided into three categories or “degrees,” with each degree increasing in severity of consequence for those charged and found guilty by law. The various degrees are:

Malicious Mischief In The Third Degree

Third-degree malicious mischief is considered the least severe act and is charged as a gross misdemeanor. Graffiti vandalism typically falls into this category. However, there is also a monetary aspect to this act. In general, if the cost of damage is estimated to be less than $750 for repairs, then this would fall into a third-degree act.

Malicious Mischief In The Second Degree

As might be guessed, second-degree malicious mischief is obviously more costly than a third-degree conviction. Once damage exceeds $750, it falls into the second-degree category. However, there are other factors of severity that fall into consideration here. Damage to emergency vehicles that prevents operation or even election interference, such as tampering with ballot boxes, all fall under this degree of malicious mischief.

Malicious Mischief In The First Degree

As expected, first-degree malicious mischief is the most expensive in terms of damage, with damage costs exceeding $5000. Emergency vehicles, public utilities, including power and communications, and tampering with aircraft also fall under this category. Election interference with ballot box tampering may also fall under this category. People convicted of first-degree malicious mischief will have a class B felony on their criminal record.

We’re Here To Help

We firmly believe that just because law enforcement officers may have decided malicious intent is at play, this is not always the case, and we want to give people a chance to prove that in court. Our lawyers have successfully challenged malicious mischief criminal cases in Western Washington and the rest of Washington state for over 20 years. If you, a loved one, or someone else you know is facing malicious mischief charges, an experienced malicious mischief attorney can mitigate the outcome or even overturn the charges. Our Tacoma malicious mischief attorneys are experienced, relentless lawyers who can help people facing malicious mischief charges avoid the harsh penalties that are sometimes associated with these violations.

Our Tacoma Malicious Mischief Attorneys Will Help You Understand This Serious Crime

How is malicious mischief defined? Simply stated, it is the destruction of property. This serious crime is broken down into three subcategories, each with its own level of severity and punishments. No matter which classification applies to you, malicious mischief is a potentially devastating crime with serious consequences, if convicted. Contact one of our Tacoma malicious mischief lawyers if you've been charged with any of the following crimes:

  • First Degree Malicious Mischief is a Class B felony with serious consequences. If the perpetrator of the crime damages property valued in excess of $5,000, a conviction could result in up to ten years in prison and $20,000 in fines. This end result should be avoided at all costs.
  • Second Degree Malicious Mischief is a Class C felony, which is still very serious. If the perpetrator of the crime damages property valued between $750 and $5,000, they could face five years in prison and fines of up to $20,000.
  • Third Degree Malicious Mischief is a gross misdemeanor, but should never be underestimated. If the perpetrator damages property valued at less than $750, a conviction may result in up to a year in jail and fines totaling $5,000.

The Tacoma malicious mischief attorneys at the Law Office of Jason S. Newcombe have more than thirty years of combined experience. No matter what malicious mischief crime you've been charged with, we will protect your legal rights and ensure that you are treated fairly by the prosecution and court.

Schedule A Consultation With One Of Our Tacoma Malicious Mischief Lawyers

arrest When you're charged with a serious crime in Tacoma, you have urgent questions concerning your future. You may feel like you have few options, but our Tacoma malicious mischief attorneys will work diligently to discover whether legal options you may not have considered exist.

For example, the prosecution must prove the value of the property that was allegedly destroyed. This process if often subjective, and even a minute over-calculation by the prosecution could significantly increase the severity of your crime. The goal of your lawyer will be to minimize your punishments and do everything the law allows to resolve your case quickly, and with a more favorable outcome.

Right now, you probably have many questions running through your mind. You may also feel like your world is closing in all around you, but it's important not to let the emotional strain of dealing with criminal charges prevent you from taking action. Contact one of our experienced Tacoma malicious mischief lawyers immediately and schedule your own confidential case evaluation.

Your Tacoma criminal case will likely require a thorough investigation, significant legwork, and thorough preparation on the part of your attorney. Contact our Tacoma law office by phone or fill out our online form, and put our decades-long experience to work for you.

Client Reviews
"Great service and follow up. Its a scary thing when you need a lawyer but Jason and his team make it less so. Very happy with our outcome." Scott Thibeault
"Jason and his team are excellent!! Everyone on the staff is super helpful and always follows up as promised. Jason has continuously gone above and beyond what's expected of him, which really put me at ease and let me know he was there to have my back. He's extremely knowledgeable of the law, has tons of experience, and make sure he takes the time to get the best outcome possible. Things would have been much worse for me without Jason's help." Jesse H.
"Jason Newcombe is an excellent attorney. He is professional, well-spoken and intent on achieving the goals set out during his initial counseling. If you are looking for an attorney to best represent you throughout your court process, Mr. Newcombe is a gifted rhetoric who presents his cases flawlessly and dedicates the entirety of his free time into making sure his clients receive the best possible outcome." G. S.
"Jason Newcombe and his Associate's are all top notch individuals who will fight tooth and nail for you and go the distance to ensure that you receive the best outcome possible on your case. I would not be where I am today if not for the Law offices of Jason Newcombe." Eric Brandt
"From start to finish with the DUI process Jason Newcombe's office has been more than helpful, friendly, honest and respectful.From the beginning, Jason was on our side and fighting our battle with us. He flat out laid out our options honestly and gave us his opinion on which was the best way to go, but never made the decision for us. Jason is very professional yet personable. We are completely satisfied with our end result. Couldn't ask for a better lawyer to be on your side." Christina P.